Twenty Two

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Her entire body throbbed, sparking with passion as bolts of energy charged around them.

It was torture. She struggled to keep her eyes open and on him at all times when all she wanted to do was shut them in ecstasy. He kissed her roughly, his tongue sliding into her mouth, teasing her, slipping it out again before hers could return the dance.

Doing her best to relax so that she wouldn't be too tight, Rika began to try to work his head into her. With as wet as she was, he should have just glided in, but he was so absurdly thick that she was afraid something was going to tear.

"I don't think it's going to fit," she flushed in colour, stuck on the intricate designs littering his neck. "You're so big..."

"It's going to fit," His chuckle was harsh and to the point. "I need you to relax for me."

Relax. She mused—she could do that, right?

With one hand he held her jaw, bringing his mouth down and biting her lower lip. As he did, his other hand was hooking her leg higher around his waist.

A familiar ache between her thighs began to throb in time with her pulse, and it was all she could do not to reach down and coax it further. He stayed there for a moment to adjust her weight and the angle, and then he sunk into her another inch.

"You told the girls you would be with them for the countdown, right?" He divulged against her lips, long fingers curling around her dainty neck.

Warmth spread between her legs, she could barely muster a response as his raspy undertone formulated an overdrive of emotions to run through her. She couldn't think, or breathe for that matter.

She took a deep, shuddering breath and stopped fighting him. Her muscles relaxed, and the next three inches of him plowed into her. His head jammed into her cervix, but she embraced the pain instead of letting it cripple her. He was right, she could take it; there was pleasure interwoven with the pain.

His cock slammed hard into her waiting pussy, drilling into her as he continued biting at her lips. Fluttery whimpers grew in vigour, inducing a low grunt of his own to escape.

He made a throaty growl as he bottomed out again, and she felt a rush of wetness as her body tried to do everything possible to adjust.

Slater held her pinned against the wall and then began to slowly fuck her. Even though he could have avoided doing so, he seemed to glean some cruel pleasure from ramming her insides with every thrust and then pressing even harder against her once he was in.

She sighed every time, but she didn't feel the need to cry out. His cock was so thick that he dragged against her clit with every shift of his hips, and his head pressed against her sweet spot every time he pulled out far enough before a thrust.

Her eyes widened, she was certain he was splitting her apart. Her mouth fell open, gasping out for air.

She quickly nodded her head. "Mhm... I promised."

A half-lidded gaze, drowsy and sensual. Bedroom eyes covered her dusk regard, his chiselled jaw tight and tense, focused on her.

That was all he needed to hear.

"Then we'll have to be quick." A rumble crawled up his throat and tumbled out of sinful lips. "I don't like it when people give my daughters empty promises."

If he had the time, he would have his mouth on her, making sure she was squirming with pleasure before he plummeted into her, he would make sure she was withering beneath him.

But he didn't have time, there was no time for any of that.

Frankly, he was far too inebriated and lost in exploring her body to take it slow.

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