Thirty Two

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The sky was an array of pinkish hues. A similar shade to her burning cheeks.

"Um, hi." Cringing at the timid greeting, the handsome face caught her worry in seconds. "Archie, right?"

His lips curved into a half-grin, thankfully the diner was not too busy, which helped calmed her nerves down. The amused man rose from his seat, disregarding the phone that he had been occupied on before she arrived.

"Yeah, that's me. You weren't hoping for someone else, were you?" A cheeky tinge to his Brooklyn accent, she shyly shook her head, letting him move around to stand in front of her.

"No. I just, I uh." The words were getting jammed on her tongue, causing her mind to race. She sucked in a deep breath and dropped her head a little to avoid his ogling. "Sorry."

"Don't be." He replied with ease, dressed in casual dark wash jeans and a crisp black shirt; she let her eyes quickly roam over his attire.

Alright, that wasn't so hard. She told herself, trying to lessen her current state of distress.

An awkward nod sent his way before she decided to pull out the chair opposite him. She had no idea why he was still standing, even when she began to put her belongings down.

It wasn't until he cleared his throat that she thought twice.

"You seriously think I'd take you out for a crappy dinner at a greasy diner downtown?" Archie asked dubiously.

Rika pursed her lips, picking her bag up from the table. She held it close to her chest, unsure of what to do when the man held his arm out for her.

She looked at it in confusion. "I don't understand. You don't want to eat anymore?" Was he second guessing the date? Her shoulders slumped as she masked her emotions.

She knew it was too good to be true.

Her voice was shaky, uttering the simple words. "You can leave if you want. I mean, I can easily call for a cab if you're not feeling it." She offered, bestowing another meek smile.

It. She had no idea what it even was.

The date? Her? Oh God, was it what she was wearing... Or had he looked at her enough to realise she wasn't anything special?

He resolved her apprehension, a chuckle making its way through her piercing ears. "No one tells you how adorable you are, do they?" His arm was still out for her, which he noticed she had yet to take. Taking matters into his own hands, rather literally, he stepped closer to put her hand in his.

Her cheeks warmed as his smouldering eyes gazed down at her. She made a mental note of his height, he wasn't as tall as her boss, but he was tall enough for her to twist her head up.

Come to think of it, he was the polar opposite.

Ocean blue eyes, grinning smile lines appeared more than often around his mouth and a full head of short dark curls. A full beard covered his strong jaw, and a Grecian nose right bang in the centre of his face looked slightly crooked. She wondered if that was from an accident or if it was genetics.

All in all, he was a handsome stranger who made her feel welcome.

"I want to take you out properly, show you Brooklyn's finest spot. Manhattan's full of arrogant assholes who don't know the first thing about taking a woman out for a fun time." He was charming; there was no denying that. It was hard for her not to enjoy his compelling aura. 

Finding her voice and the confidence to continue to the night of fun ahead, she clasped her hand around his more securely.

They fell into a steady step, steering straight for the diner doors.

"So, I guess I should call that cab after all then." Rika hid her smile in an innocent eyebrow raise.

It would be a stretch to get to Brooklyn from where they were, nothing incredibly long yet still a journey nonetheless.

She couldn't say she wasn't surprised that he wanted to take her there, it was one of her favourite places to go.

"I don't know how long you've been here, darling, but hailing a cab takes skill." He was poking fun at her timid nature, however, the way he was saying it wasn't malicious nor sarcastic. It was actually quite different. Like he cared. "And a lot of lung capacity that I'm afraid your little self doesn't quite have yet."

They exited the diner together, standing on the loud streets of Manhatten. It was almost as if people were going thirty miles an hour, no one stopping, and the sight of yellow cabs littering the roads.

"You don't think I can hail a cab myself?" She was frowning now, though she didn't blame him. She knew she seemed a lot more naive to the average person.

"Hey, I'm just looking out for you and your people. You Manhattan lot shouldn't have to dirty your pretty little shoes any more than usual." He muttered, moving his hand up to smooth over his well-groomed beard.

There was something about how he held eye contact, he was a sophisticated man with an edge.

Aware of the fact that he could continue his teasing if she let him, she rolled her spirited eyes. Moving away from him, she came around to the front of the bustling street.

She watched through the small pellets of rain as another cab swerved in front of her and skid to a stop beside a well-dressed couple on the sidewalk.

His voice was distant behind her. "Y'know, give up now, and you'll be able to keep your dignity."

She scoffed in offence, and he smothered his enjoyment.

He nodded, waggling his fingers at her. A tiny shiver ran down her spine as she turned on her heel.

She approached the curb once again and stuck her arm out to hail one of the many cabs racing around the streets of New York. With squealing tires, a banana taxi stopped in front of her, and she slipped to the back of it.

She rambled off the whereabouts, then rested her forehead on the cool glass of the window. The driver of her cab, a tired-looking man, nodded to the man behind her.

Rika followed the cabbie's silent order with her eyes and spotted the impressed expression pulling onto his face, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.

"I grew up on the streets for two years. I know how to handle my own, city boy." She exclaimed, loud and clear.

Distinct laughter echoed the streets, he found himself nearing her and opening the door she had been leaning against. He flickered his interest to her glossy lips.

One brave movement, he cocked his head down to brush his teasing lips over hers.

"Alright then. My bad." He declared in surrender, intense tension wavering around the two strangers.

His entire demeanour was calm, giving her the same unnatural sensation. When he spoke, his voice came as some kind of rugged sound.

"After you, little miss trouble."

Rika giggled, jerking her head away as she bent down to get into the cab.

Even with the possibility of having a new flame in her love life, she couldn't help but think about a particular producer.

It was a horrible thought to have, but as she watched her date for the evening get into the car, she pictured an entirely different scenario taking place.

She imagined the two of them doing this. Dating. His husky utterances, those bedroom eyes on her only, she wanted him to be easygoing and flirty like the man before her was. She thought about it all.

How different everything could have been had they met in another life. A life where she wasn't the nanny or the childish little girl he could never love. She knew then that the emotions she had been pushing aside could no longer be ignored.

She was hopelessly in love with a man who didn't have anything to give her.

But that needed to change. It was time to take control of her life.

She was going to go on this date and give this man a chance. He deserved it.

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