Thirty One

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The brush combed through the messy golden locks, weaving in and out until each knot disappeared into seamless waves. Kicking her legs and swaying her little feet side to side, Lilia stared deeply into the reflection of the bathroom mirror.

She bestowed the nanny a curious look before clearing her throat.

"You look extra pretty today, Lovey." She said clearly, her shiny emerald eyes stuck on the floral dress and long ebony hair that was cascading down her back.

Rika shot her head up to catch her gaze; she was mid-stroke of her hair when the sweet words slipped out of her mouth.

Her lips quirked upwards, the smile reaching her darker eyes. "You think so, munchkin?" She had been nervous about her attire; it was almost the children's bedtime which meant only one thing.

She would be going on her first-ever date soon. With a stranger she barely knew.

"I know so." The five-year-old replied instantly, then more seriously asked. "Are you going to one of Daddy's parties without me?"

She seemed genuinely upset at the thought, her bottom lip jutting out before she could even hear an answer.

That made the nanny grin, reaching over to caress her fingertips over the youngster's sides. The tickling motion didn't go missed as loud giggles followed through the spacious bathroom. "Heavens no! I would never go to a party without my little ballerina. What kind of monster do you take me for?"

Lilia's eyes gleamed with satisfaction at the response, swinging her feet faster.

She couldn't stop staring at her nanny, she looked so beautiful to her. The young child loved her long silky hair, almond eyes and the intoxicating smell of her perfume. It made her feel safe and secure. 

As she combed through her hair, she heard another dreamy sigh escape.

"Lovey..." Her voice sounded meek, almost like she was afraid to ask the burning question on her mind.

But she knew she was behaving foolishly. After all, no question was silly, unless, of course, it related to wanting to get a big fluffy white kitten and naming it 'Pushok.' She had been obsessing over a pet for the longest time, and it was the only question that was considered ridiculous in their household.

At least, that's what Daddy says anyway, she thought to herself.

She had always thought it was a rather funny and cute name for a baby kitten, but her father thought otherwise. He had told her that naming a pet Fluffy was, in fact, body shaming in today's society.

What did that even mean? She wanted to know, clearly incapable of catching his sarcasm.

However, it wasn't long before her brief moment of confusion was cut short.

"Yes, my love?"

Lilia shook her head, trying to get rid of her constant thoughts.

"Is Mommy watching me from the clouds right now?" She studied the startled expression that painted onto the darker features and pursed her lips. "Because Nessie says, that's where Mommy went, and it's all thanks to someone called Cancer? Who is that, Lovey, do we know him?"

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