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"Thanks again for the help, Ruth. I know this is all super last minute but I honestly had no clue what to do..."

Drifting off, delicate fingers caressed the expensive garments.

Ruth flapped a hand in the air, rejecting the praise being sung at her. "There's no need to thank me, dear. I know how difficult it can be sometimes, it's mere coincidence that the kids had new dresses prepared and ready for them to wear."

Correction, more like a damn near a miracle.

Not only did they have brand new dresses to wear, but new designer dresses.

Rika could not say she was stunned, they were the daughters of a famous music producer after all. He wanted the best of the best, thus the need for bestowing the most ornate brands that she would never be able to pronounce.

Situated inside one of the many large fitting rooms, the two women waited for the next outfit to be modelled, gossiping amongst one another.

The room was enormous and filled to the brim with racks of clothes, she studied the stylist who was busy dressing the girls.

She had made a purposeful effort to dismiss last night's incident, and yet, every time she tried to do exactly that, all she could imagine was his bold words and rough touch.

There was no sugarcoating it, he had crossed the line by touching her, or in this case, groping her. By letting her boss manhandle her in the most improper manner, she had blurred the lines of professionalism.

She wanted to be angry, she wanted to feel sickened by his actions, however, she couldn't bring herself to be the least bit disgusted.

For some unusual reason, it hadn't bothered her as much as she thought it would.

Rather, what had made her uneasy was the idea of calling up his sister, whom which she didn't know existed until yesterday. There was no mentioning of an Ivanov sister on his Wiki page, or anywhere online for that matter.

Despite her lack of knowledge on the mystery sister, when she had attempted to call the number in the phonebook, there had been no answer, and so she had resorted to via email.

Slater's sister, who had actually replied much to her amazement, wrote back a simple response confirming her attendance and ended the email with a name.

' I am looking forward to seeing you and the girls again,

Vera. '

Her name was Vera. Slater and Vera Ivanov, that had sparked the nanny's interest, she wondered if he had any other siblings, wanting to know why there was no mentioning of siblings or parents in any of the blogs.

"Do you like this one?" The soft-spoken voice urged both women to turn in the same direction.

She snorted, shaking her head at that.

More than a couple of times a day, she had to remind herself that the little girl talking was five-years-old, despite her speaking like she was already a preteen.

The curtain separating the girls from the rest of the room, working as a mini changing room, ripped open.

Adorned in the most beautiful dresses, Lilia came out first in a sage-green tulle dress, her long blonde hair styled in a ballerina bun, and on her feet were the shiniest pair of ebony flats.

Throwing a hand over her mouth, she could feel the bubbling emotion swelling deep inside of her. "Oh my gosh, Lilly!" She let out, getting up to hold her arms out so she could run into them like she often did. "You look adorable, come here. Let me get a better look at you, munchkin!"

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