Thirty Five

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Day one of her two-week notice was strangely relaxing.

As the two little diamonds showed the nanny their colourful drawings, there was a sense of serenity that lingered around them.

"What do you think it is, Lovey?" Janessa asked seriously, holding her paper in her hands and jutting it out further in her face. "And be honest! I won't be sad if you think it looks like a dinosaur with big feet because that's what it is."

Her mousey brown locks were left down and framed her freckled face. Her clear frames were slipping down her button nose as usual.

Both of the girls were still in their pyjamas, since it was the start of the weekend, they had full reign to do whatever they pleased. Thankfully, they wished to do nothing all weekend.

Rika pursed her lips, taking in the sight of the green dinosaur with awfully large bright red boots on. She couldn't help but grin, finding the artwork somewhat adorable. "You can't ask me what I think it is and tell me before I've even had the chance to guess, sweetheart. That ruins the fun."

"Oopsies, my bad. I got too excited." Her guilty face made her laugh harder. She turned her head a little, sighing in defeat. "Lia, it's your turn."

Lilia bounced up from her seat on the floor, waving over the piece of paper glued in her hands. "Yes, my turn! Look at mine!"

Shoving the paper towards her, she let out a small laugh. Now, the drawing placed in front of her was interesting, to say the least. The five-year-old, bless her cotton socks, had made a poor attempt at sketching a prince and princess on a magic carpet.

"Something tells me that this might be the magic carpet ride scene you're currently watching on the TV. I don't know though, that's just my guess." She said, oh so, nonchalantly.

It had become her newest obsession of the month, the same movie that was streaming behind her.

She earned a toothy smile. "Wow, Lovey. You're really good at this game."

Then, she climbed onto the sofa and crawled under the fluffy blanket, joining the nanny.

"Hey. You too, missy." Rika said out loud. Grabbing ahold of the out of place Janessa, the older woman made sure they were both placed next to her and under the blanket.

They snuggled up to her, giggling at the television every so often when they had a silly joke.

They didn't do this every weekend, but typically when they felt overwhelmed from a busy week of school and extra curriculum activities. She was proud of them for being able to wake themselves up in the mornings, every Monday to Friday, the two well-behaved youngsters brushed their teeth, got dressed and even packed their school bags.

So on the weekends, if they wanted to be lazy, then so be it. They were so young, and yet so talented.

"My head hurts," Lilia whispered, causing her to flicker her attention down onto the agitated blonde wrapped in her arms.

"It does?" Rika asked soothingly. She pressed her hand against the young child's head and could feel her skin starting to burn up.

She winced. "I think you might be catching a cold." Fearing it would get worse the longer she left it, she started to shuffle out of the covers.

"Ca-Can you stay with me?" Lilia hastily expressed, scared and needy that she would leave her alone.

"Of course, I just need to go get some medicine for you first," The nanny said regretfully. "Jan, you'll look after your sister, won't you?"

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