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Rika could not stop writhing in the one-piece bathing suit she had on. It wasn't like the material was itchy or uncomfortable by any means, no, it was the sheer thought of her body being exposed to her boss and his children that had her on a constant edge.

Laying out on the deck chair, the hot sun shone down onto her glistening skin. She was more than pleased to be doused in sunscreen, all thanks to a nagging Ruth, who had made sure all three girls left with a lot of the protective lotion on.

Her suit was a little yellow number, and of course, very modest, covering both her ass and her chest area. She had always been insecure about her body shape, being heavy on the top as opposed to the bottom, made her figure appear unbalanced in her eyes.

She thought of her body as a reversed pear, although saying that, she could not complain much about her insecurities given the fact that no one could actually see any of them.

It wasn't a surprise that Slater had picked out the most secluded private beach New York had to offer. Since he was in the public eye, he didn't want the paparazzi to ruin their day out in the sun.

Speaking of whom, her almond eyes that were shaded by big round sunglasses, drifted over towards the sea where she could see the half-naked older man throwing a squealing Janessa into the water.

A smile carved onto her face, as she had predicted, the children were overjoyed to have their father join them. The day so far had consisted of playing in the sea, building sandcastles, he had even allowed the girls to bury him in the sand.

It was a drastic change from his usual self that was for sure.

Not wanting to interrupt the daddy and daughter time, she relaxed a few feet away in her sun chair, attempting to catch a decent tan while reading her college textbook. It was on 'Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood', flicking over to the next page, her eyes slowly dragged over each word.

Busy in her own little reading bubble, she hadn't seen the large figure nearing her. It wasn't until she heard the noisy sound of a deck chair being pulled open that she noticed her newfound companion.

Thrusting her head up, Rika's book fell onto her lap as she shot up in her seat. "Mr. Ivanov! Is everything alright?" She rushed out, bending slightly to reach for her beach bag.

"Do the girls need anything? Sunscreen? Their towels? Juice boxes?" She started to rummage through her belongings, pulling out anything and everything.

Slater didn't spare her a glance, laying down to only kick his feet up and tuck his hands behind his head.

He continued to stare at the sea for a good minute or so before tearing his head away and pulling his sunglasses on his face to cover his eyes. A signature scoff sounded from his nostrils, "Relax, they're fine. They wanted to play with their dollies in the sand." His low voice circled her ears, she tried to avoid her gaze from wandering over to his buff body.

But, it was hard to not look—the ink on his skin was intriguing, and everywhere. His pecks were well defined, strong arms bulging with ripples of muscle. His physique was impressive, there was no denying that.

Then the absurd thought popped into her head, making her recoil backwards.

Had she really been ogling her boss? Rika could feel the rush of bile crawling up her throat. Her boss that was fourteen years her senior.

Shaking her head to rid of her incessant thoughts, she laughed awkwardly and leaned back. She faced the sea where she could see both of the little girls playing with each other.

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