Twenty Three

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Home was not something that sounded familiar on her lips.

In fact, the entire concept of being able to call a place 'home' felt unnatural to her, forced if you must. Relaxing in the back of a cab with her boss and his children, the tight feeling in her chest failed to diminish the closer they got to the fancy manor.

Although her stay at the cabin had been an unforgettable experience, she was more than relieved to be back in the city of lights. She was happy to be home.

She needed some normality and routine back in her life. Not to mention the ever-growing pile of college work that she desperately needed to get started on.

Rika winced, she had made the poor decision of not bringing her work with her on her stay, she had no idea how many sleepless nights it would take to get back on track.

After saying an emotional farewell to Vera and Marco—who she had to say her goodbyes to as soon as they landed as he was heading a different direction to them. The words, 'get the children's bags' from her boss confirmed that he wanted her back to work as soon as possible, and so they were on their lengthy journey to the manor.

The girls were entertained in their little worlds, one with a book glued to her hands and the other counting the number of red cars she spotted outside of the car window.

"Five." Lilia took a better look, practically shoving her face against the window. "And another one there, six!"

Slater hissed lowly, dark frames on his face shielding his eyes from everyone. "What did I tell you about being quiet, Lia." He warned, sitting with his head against the leather seat.

At the sound of his stern voice, the young child immediately returned to her seat, smushing her face into it. Crossing her arms over her chest, a sulking pout etched onto her face. "Sorry, Papa."

It appeared that her reaction wasn't one he was most pleased with.

If it wasn't already clear what mood he was in, his next comment made the nanny bite her bottom lip, "I'm not telling you off, so you better wipe that frown off your face before I give you a reason to sulk."

Rika swallowed harshly, looking over to see Lilia's sparkling eyes begin to water.

He had been in a bad mood the entire journey thus far.

She had no idea if it was the hangover, or if he was simply in a bad mood. Whatever it was, she couldn't help but feel awful for the little girl trying to keep herself entertained.

It was strange, talking to him again whilst they ignored everything that had happened in Russia. It was almost like it had never happened.

"She was only trying to have a little fun, there's no need to be so mean." She spoke up, her voice timid and barely there.

He turned his head to face her, even with the sunglasses on, she could tell his piercing eyes were staring her down.

"Mean," Slater repeated, a taunting edge to his tone. "I don't remember asking the nanny for her opinion. However, since you're so desperate to interfere with a conversation that doesn't involve you, you'll have to remind me, what did I hire you for again?"

She closed her mouth, ducking her head low. "To look after the kids." A robotic reply rubbed against her soft-looking lips.

His agreement came in the form of a hum,

"Don't tell me how to parent my own children, Johnson."

That was the last thing she wanted to do, she mused.

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