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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐈𝐍 the sky as the people of Auradon went about their day without a single care in the world. A soft breeze travelled through the school's hallways, blowing kids' hair into their faces as they walked, very, slowly to their next class and tried to enjoy the sun's rays for as long as possible. Laughter would fill your years as you looked down at the students sitting on the picnic benches on the lawn, comparing and admiring each other's hair. Who knew that a villain's kid actually knew what kindness was?

Y/N also basked in the sunlight, with a small smile on her face as she walked along the fence that was built to prevent students from jumping. She set her hand on the rail and continued walking, feeling the warmth of the metal. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she released the railing and walked toward her locker. Her muscles were still sore from training yesterday and she had another class with the Guardian. He had sent her a message earlier today, saying that Nakoa would be bringing her to class, again.

She glanced over at Mal and noticed that she's been looking inside her locker a bit longer than usual. A sigh left Y/N's lips. She knew that the purple-haired girl was looking for the cookie, but ever since they finished the recipe something has been nagging at the back of her head, like a small voice trying to warn her of something. She's never had this happen before so, she figured it was because this place was making her go insane.

Maybe going back to the Isle would be a good idea, she thought, a small scoff escaping her nose. I'll just have to live on the southern side from now on.

Chernabog hated the pirates. He always thought that they were a waste of territory. Ursula was his greatest failure, his biggest mistake. He never told her the story of why the grudge came to be, but it wasn't, really, worth her time. She had her own rivalry to worry about.

Y/N looked back down at the lawn, a small frown appearing on her face as she gazed over every teenage girl below her. She never quite understood the hype over what your hair looked like and how it determined her popularity status in the halls of a school. At the end of the day they were all the same: Doing whatever it took to get your parent's approval and attention... or maybe that was just a villain thing.

"You coming to the game today?" Jay asked, leaning against the locker next to Y/N, causing her to flinch back slightly.

She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath in, trying to slow her heartbeat from the small jumpscare. "I don't know, maybe."

"Y/N, come on," Jay groaned as he faced the E/C-eyed girl completely. "It's the finals and the whole school's going."

Slamming her locker door shut, Y/N felt her eyes flash yellow as her breath hitched for a short second. She felt her cuffs bang again the skin of her wrist, causing her to take a deep breath as she stared down at the gold material. She couldn't go to public events. She didn't think she was even allowed to go to public events. From the get-go of her arrival, the King had made it pretty clear that she was not welcomed in Auradon because of her blood. The looks that the people here gave her didn't go unnoticed; she knew that they were staring and, in some cases, glaring. Those who were feeling brave did the second one. Most of those people were arrogant princes who thought they were important because of who their parents were.

"I said maybe." Y/N breathed, facing the thief in front of her. "If the King doesn't have me arrested for showing my face outside of the school walls."

Jay grinned. "I'll take it." He placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it, slightly. "I'll see you later on the tourney field." He chuckled before walking towards Mal's locker and starting a conversation with her.

They Say I'm Evil |Jay x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now