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𝐀 𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓 the wooden wall of the restaurant. The loud booming atmosphere that usually settles upon the eatery had been long forgotten, everyone afraid to speak or to move as they watched the Captain throw object after object, food after food, drink after drink on every surface that her eyes landed on. Everyone that was welcomed to the crew was aware of Uma's wrath, but none of them had ever seen it this bad, not even her first mate. Typically, they would turn to the Co-Captain of the crew, but unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found, leaving Harry on damage control.

"—ridiculous!" Ume yelled slamming her fist against the table.

The TV in front of her was full of static and covered in dried-up food. However, the surrounding walls weren't so lucky. Different forms of seafood and liquids covered its wooden surface and Uma knew that her mother was going to make her clean all of this up after, but she wasn't going to. Unlike Mal, she knew how to be evil, she knew how to wield power properly once it was given to her and she didn't need Chernabog's help in order to accomplish her goals.

None of that was the reason for her rage. Ever since Mal left the Isle, she had been working to take over the Isle and she never felt more pride as she continued to take the Isle inch by inch, gathering power and money. Everyone knew her name and she wasn't just some afterthought after Mal, but now, the purple-haired girl had the entire kingdom of Auradon wrapped around her finger. All her life, she dreamed of being able to walk up to Mal and finally prove to her that she was better and that she deserved the spotlight more than her, but like always, Mal always made it about her. She always had one up the turquoise-haired girl.

She picked up another glass bottle and chucked it across the room, a scream ripping from her lips and echoing through the diner. "If someone doesn't find me another thing to throw, I'll be pushing you all off the plank as a replacement!" Uma slammed her fist against the table, once more and watched her crew scramble in and out of the restaurant, trying to find something that Uma could use to destress that wasn't them.

The doors to her mother's restaurant slammed open, catching the girl's attention. She tilted her head to the side in boredom as she watched Kian storm into the restaurant, his brows pressed tight together as he struggled to grab hold of one of the many daggers he kept hidden on his person. He quickly pulled one out of his arm scabbard before throwing it directly at the TV, screaming as the weapon pierced through the glass, shattering the screen.

"She had one job!" Kian yelled as he started passing around the room. "She's the daughter of the Devil, the embodiment of evil and she chooses to be good!" He slammed his fist against the wall, a few cracks echoing through the room, but Uma wouldn't tell if it was his knuckles and the wood.

Harry watched the two scream, a smirk plastered on his face as he swirled around the drink he had in his cup. He didn't understand why they were both blowing this whole situation out of proportion. This has been their goal for at least a decade now. They accomplished what they set out to do all those years. Why did they care about what Mal was doing in Auradon? But that wasn't the part that caught his curiosity.

"Daughter of the Devil?" He mumbled, looking back at the shattered screen that he was most likely going to have to find a replacement for. "She sounds delightful." A laugh escaped his lips as he stood up from his chair and walked out of the canteen.

He knew of a place with a TV that he could steal in order to replace the one that Kian destroyed and, besides, he didn't really want to be in the same room as Uma once her rage finally settles and she starts taking her anger out on the people around her.

Kian ignored the pirate who just walked out of the diner, his attention focused on the destroyed TV in front of him. He gripped the edge of the table, his knuckles turning white as he tried grounding himself to reality. She hasn't changed a bit, even after all those years.

A/N: And that's all folks lol

I'm just going to be making a few last minutes' adjustments to the intro and fix certain things here and there, but other than that the rewrite is now complete and I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out lol

Once this is complete i do plan on rewriting they say I'm home, finishing off a dash of love and then we can finally start on the trequel that i have been pushing back for like a year now lol

anyway, tysm for reading and for everything that you guys have done for me and my series <3

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