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A/N: short and filler chapter, guys. i deleted most of the original chapter lmao

Anyway, tysm for reading and enjoy reading <3


𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 hallways of Auradon prep; three boys, and one girl. Three of them were Juniors while the other was a Senior. Chad stood next to Ben as he talked and talked about Jay, Y/N, and the rest of the villains' kids about every little thing they've done to him so far and everything that he hated about this whole arrangement. Chad is someone who complained about a lot of things and people also knew how much he loves the sound of his voice; Ben was just another victim. Audrey was walking beside Ben, her hips saying purposely as she tried making herself seem important and the school's Queen Bee. She was dating the Prince of Auradon and he was bout to be crowned in a few days, meaning that she was the future Queen of Auradon. All she had to do now was marry him.

Nakoa trailed behind the trio, his hands stuffed into his pocket while his bag hung loosely from his shoulder. This wasn't going to be something that he missed. He hated watching Ben be stepped all over by his "friends". Audrey was only with him for the power and money while Chad only hung out with him to get closer to Audrey. Both of them were only driven by money and power which, in Nakoa's opinion, wasn't really the greatest trait to have in modern-day society.

"I mean, I don't even know how she could even consider herself a princess," Audrey spoke, her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. "She looks like a homeless person with all that leather she's wearing."

Nakoa paused slightly as he heard Chad and Audrey laugh at the so-called joke. Ben was silent; Nakoa couldn't tell if he was ignoring the duo behind him or if he was just plain deaf. They were his guests in this kingdom and his future people once he was crowned king. Genie had taught him that during one of their training sessions. He showed him a former map of Auradon before Beast was elected and before the villains were all banished away. The Isle of the Lost was a part of the Kingdom of Auradon, the people of the Isle were the people of Beast, Ben and Belle.

They were his people. The Isle of the Lost was his kingdom and the people who lived there were his subjects. And yet, here they were, being mocked by the royals who stepped all over them every chance they got and he was just standing there, listening.

As they turned the corner to leave the hallway to head outside, Chad came to a sudden stop and started smacking Ben's chest, getting him to stop walking. He raised his hand, shaking slightly, and pointed towards the group of girls that stood in front of some lockers, talking to one another. Their voices were low as they kept looking around, seeming slightly nervous about something unknown to the royals.

"Those kids are trouble," Chad clarified as he looked between the girls, Ben and Nakoa. "Especially that one and its little errand boy." Chad's eyes wandered over to where Y/N was standing in the group. He scrunched his face up in disgust as she looked over her shoulder to look at the group of royals.

Ben smiled as he looked from Mal to his friends. "Come on, Chad. Give them a chance." Chad looked at the prince in disbelief as Audrey let out a scoff at her boyfriend's statement.

Audrey placed her glasses on the top of her head before grabbing the brunette's hand. "Oh, no offence, Bennybear, but you're just too trusting." A fake grin appeared on her face. One that could fool both boys in the room except for Nakoa. "Look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast, who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy." Audrey's become slightly deeper as her eyes seemed to widen and her grin faded. "That girl's mother," she whispered and used her eyes to gesture toward Mal.

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