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A/N: Not my proudest chapter but... too lazy to rewrite it lol

𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐖𝐎 days to finish the missions that were given to them. The walls were closing in on them, the oxygen was being sucked out of the room they were standing in. They could all feel it... and they hated it. The tension and stakes were high and they all knew that, but none of them said anything about it, almost as if none of them cared. The moon was high in the sky, lighting a path for any lost wanderers. Stars lingered around the moon, as well, making sure the giant rock wasn't lonely.

They decided to hold one last meeting in the boy's form to discuss an unknown plan that Mal came up with. Before the meeting had started, Mal decided to fill Y/N in on it, wanting a second opinion regarding the subject. They couldn't afford any more mistakes, now. Friday was just around the corner and the coronation was in less than forty-eight hours. This was the third time Mal went over the plan, afraid that the people around her wouldn't retain the information she was giving them; in a way, she was right.

They weren't giving the purple-haired girl their full attention, but they still looked down at the paper, books and drawings that she laid out on the table they surrounded. Y/N's eyes lingered on the drawing of the wand Mal had made during their first Remedial Goodness class. Getting the wand was an easier task because they didn't have to kill anybody to complete the task, but Y/N knew that getting the wand first would make her mission a lot easier.

With Fairy Godmother out of commission, they eliminate a threat that could potentially stop her. She knew that nobody else in the kingdom would try to do anything to stop them; they were all cowards, even their current king. Her main concern was going to be Genie, but she wasn't going to let her guard down either. Shang, Mulan and Ben might be an issue at some point, so she was going to have to prepare something to deal with them.

"Okay, we all know what this looks like." Mal pointed down at the drawing of Fairy Godmother,s wand.

Y/N placed her hand down on the table, leaning against Jay, slightly. "For security reasons, they're keeping the wand in the spell jar on the dais at the front of the Cathedral." Using her other hand, she pointed towards the front of the building on the blueprint Jay managed to get his hands on. She moved her hand, slightly to the floor on the front-left side of the dais. "This is where Mal and I are going to be standing."

Y/N started fidgeting with her bracelets as she stared down at the table, every possible scenario running through her mind, like a hamster in a wheel who was forced to run by its owner. Everything needed to go smoothly and, in the worst-case scenario, she had to come up with a backup plan to keep Jay and everyone else safe. She felt her breath hitch as she remembered her father's face the day she left the Isle and his words ringing like a siren in her head. It was all too much but she didn't have much of a choice, now; everything was going to be over soon, anyways.

"You all will be up in the balcony," Mal continued, noticing Y/N tense up. She pointed towards the balcony in the Cathedral. "Carlos?"

The white-haired boy pulled a piece of paper towards him to get a better look at it. "Okay, so, I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier and, uh, get back on the island with the wand."

"Perfect." Mal smiled, happy that she knew that someone was listening to what she was saying. "Evie?"

The blue-haired girl looked toward her best friend. "Yeah?"

They Say I'm Evil |Jay x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now