𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐓 𝐖 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 𝐘 - 𝐒 𝐈 𝐗

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 a chilling breeze travelled across the room, causing a shiver to run down Y/N's spine. An eerie feeling settled upon the room as whispers filled the silent room. Y/N couldn't understand the language and it left an unsettling feeling in her stomach as her head whipped around the room, trying to prepare herself for her father's next attack, but the longer she waited the more anxious she felt. The breeze that magically appeared in the room started to pick up, becoming more violent with every passing second. Eventually, everything around her just stopped, giving her a short period of time to finally breathe again.

Y/N turned to face her father, her focus was solely devoted to him. Her eyes hardened as she felt her veins tingle, slightly, a burning sensation following in the palms of her hands shortly after.  As she prepared to lunch an attack, she felt the floor below her start to shake as a vicious smirk appeared on Chernabog's face. Y/N stumbled a few times as dust started falling from the ceiling, the pillars cracking slightly with every rumble delivered by the unknown force. The tiles below Chernabog started cracking. The dirt and cement rose, covering the tiles around it.

Her eyes widened and her breath hitched as she stared down at the flooring, a hand sticking out where the tile originally was. She watched as a man slowly forced himself out of the flooring, destroying the flooring around him. Y/N cringed in disgust as she took in the man's appearance. His clothes were covered in dirt and what Y/N could only assume was blood. They were completely torn to shreds and hung off of the man's thin form, barely covering whatever was left of his flesh. His hair was grown out to his shoulders, but it was clear that since his death; he hasn't tended to it. Dirt, cement and other unknown substances were tangled within his strands of hair.

She continued to take in the man's appearance and noticed that chunks of his flesh were missing, revealing his bones; his face and right forearm were the most exposed. His cheeks were completely torn, revealing his teeth and whatever was left of the inside of his mouth and the flesh that once covered his forearm and wrist was completely gone.

It was clear that this man had been dead for a long time.

As the undead man crawled out of the floor, four more followed behind him, all of them looking similar in appearance. Moans and groans left their throats as they took Chernabog's side, standing in front of him. A smirk appeared on the Devil's face as he looked at his daughter from behind his undead minions. He held out his hand—black magic surrounding it—before whispering a command.

"Spiritual corruption," Y/N mumbled, getting back into a fighting stance as she raised her hands.

She felt her hands shake as a yellow glow emanated from them; a feeling of adrenaline returning to her, but she faltered as she stared into one of the undead's eyes. The light started fading as a feeling of guilt crept up on her, again. She remembered the look in everyone's eyes as she shot Chad; it was something she never wanted to see, again. Looking down at the palm of her hands, she clenched her fist, putting an end to the glowing light emanating from them.

She couldn't fight them. She knew how this power worked. The spirits being corrupted didn't have a choice but to listen to the person who summoned them. They couldn't fight the corruption nor try to argue with their controller's commands. Good people weren't supposed to hurt people, no matter who they were... or at least that's what she thought.

Her hands started heating up as she allowed her senses to overthrow her judgment. She trusted her body and she knew that—in her heart—she wouldn't hurt them. A small breath escaped her lips as she stared down at her father, getting ready for the minions he just summoned. The undead charged toward her; groans escaping their lips as they limped across the floor at a surprisingly fast pace. Y/N extended her arm, feeling her power surge throughout her limb, but she had the chance to fire a roar that echoed through the hall, catching her attention.

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