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A/N: alright ppl... the whole reason why i wrote this fanfic in the first place lol

𝘿𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙤𝙪𝙩

𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 within minutes as both teams finished warming up. Students from both schools filled the bleachers as they started cheering on their teams. The sound of their cheers and the clapping of their hands only encouraged the teams as the minutes ticked by. Goal after goal, the cheering only got louder and louder. Suspense hung heavy in the air as the game came closer to the end. Genie had filled Y/N in on all the lore regarding both these schools and, to be quite frank, the E/C-eyed found it all quite amusing.

Maybe Auradon and the Isle had more things in common than Y/N had thought.

As the game continued, Y/N found herself participating in the crowd's energy, cheering until her voice cracked. Her hands stung from all the clapping she did and her cheeks were sore from the grin that was plastered onto her face, but she didn't care. The feeling that travelled through her blood made all the discomfort worth it. She found that her grin only grew whenever she saw Jay, Carlos or Nakoa step onto the field.

It all felt strange. The feeling in her bones, the smile on her face and the numbness in her hands. Whenever it came to any gang fights that she, just so happened, to catch never made her smile this brightly before or stealing things from merchants with Jay. No feeling in the world could compare with what she felt, right now.

Another ear-screeching cheer left Y/N's throat as she watched Jay walk off of the field after scoring a goal, tying Auradon with their opponents. Jay flinched back slightly at the noise but chuckled once he realized where it came from. It was refreshing, to see Y/N grinning from ear to ear. Ever since they've arrived, he's yet to see one of her genuine smiles. A weird sensation made itself known in his chest as he felt his heart beat faster. He felt a smile sketch it's way onto his face and, this time, he didn't stop it. He placed his fist over his chest as he felt his heartbeat, counting it with every fast beat it took.

Since they've arrived in Auradon, he's been feeling it a lot more than usual, embracing it, even. Back on the Isle, he would ignore it. Burry, it down until he couldn't feel it, but ever since they've stepped foot on the school's property and he's been trying all these, he figured why not give these "feelings" a try and see where it takes him.

So far, he's been enjoying the journey.

Genie flinched away from the girl when he heard her cheer, an obnoxious laugh escaping the older man's lips before he followed the girl's lead. The spectators in the stands were taken aback when they first heard Chernabog's daughter's scream and didn't appreciate it, at first, but as the minutes ticked by and the game continued, they started getting used to her presence and were thankful for the Guardian's guarding, as well. A satisfied smile appeared on Genie's face. This is what he always wanted; to have a child of his own, but he never got the chance. His opportunity was stolen from him over a decade ago, along with the love of his life.

He wasn't strong enough then to protect them, but he was now and he wasn't going to allow Beast to throw away another person he cared about.

"This is a nail-biter, folks," The Announcer, who was standing on a pedestal commented as he kept track of the game happening in front of him. "There's forty-seven seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood Falcons, two. The Fighting Knights, two." A grin appeared on his face as he watched Auradon gain possession of the ball. "What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals."

The bleacher, covered in students wearing green or yellow shirts, started a wave before cheering for their school. "Ohayohay!"

Adrenaline cursed through Jay's veins as he heard the music, the cheering and all the noise that was being created around him as he watched the seconds tick by at a, painfully, slow rate. His knee bounced with anxiety as he watched Chad take a swig of his water bottle, trying to quench his thirst before he went back on. His breath was quick and shallow as he watched the ball being passed back and forth between both teams. One small slip-up would cost them the game and Jay couldn't risk that.

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