여기: We Begin

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"I'm not on the angel's side..."


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10:34 AM

I skimmed through the pages again, currently seated inside our office. The records look creepy as they should, but something about it was foreign or Strange. "Minho" I jumped out of my trance, hearing my name. Jungkook has returned from the cafeteria, two cups of latte in his hands and an infectious smile on his face. Taking one of them from him I smelled the caffeine as the aroma provided me a sort of reassurance. Jungkook takes a glance at the file. "Damn, you're still worried about it?" He questions as I shrug in return, incapable to construct a quick response.

"It's not because I'm scared. I just-" I was abruptly cut off when the rest of the team barged in, having sunny smiles on their faces. Hoseok; our team leader had the widest one, excited about the project more than anyone else. "The meeting's up in three, let's go!" Jimin announced loudly pushing and pulling everyone to the hallway. On the way to the conference room, Hoseok slightly held my shoulder, stopping me from walking.

"Don't worry too much. It's just like any other case. Relax" He whispered in my ear his hot breath sending chills down my spine. Despite my timid crush on him, I was unable to feel warm to his closeness. Something was bizarre. Nonetheless, I smiled at him with closed lips, though they quivered scarcely. Squeezing my shoulder for the last time, he walked in front and conversed with Jimin. "Would you look at that lovey dovey~~" Hyunjin cooed, hanging his hand around my shoulder with Seokjin nudging me from my side. I wasn't in the spirit to deal with them both, the most theatrical pair. Resorting to rolling my eyes, I pushed his hand away, seeing the conference room up front.

Our boss; Mr. Zhang stood proudly beside the screen as we all found our seats around the long glass table. He was the youngest CEO in the entertainment industry, managing more than ten different TV shows, he also found a particular interest in our crew. Presumably, because we were the current best-selling show and people from all around the world watch us. A group of ten young men hunting supernatural and paranormal tales around the world is, intriguing isn't it?

"I know you all already know about the place, but we are doing a final check right now" Mr. Zhang declared, smiling lightly as he leaned on the table. His reflection was blurry on the glass with the red silky suit appearing blood-like. As if it's showing the reflection of a dead body though it's just Mr. Zhang. I shook my head timidly, surprised by the thoughts running through my mind. The reflection has changed, he was not wearing a red suit that day, it was white. A bead of sweat rolled down the back of my neck as I could hear my own heartbeat, which was not rising, it was lowering. The noises around me began to fade, but a hand suddenly touched my shoulder and I was thankfully back to the conversation at hand.

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