여기: We Fail

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"I'm my own..."


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01:10 AM

I was walking in front of Hoseok and Jimin squinting my eyes to figure out my surroundings. However, my head began to hurt and I was turning dizzy. Trying to contain my vision, I shook my head, but it only seemed to worsen. Eventually, my sight went completely black and I felt hit the cold floor before hearing my name in a muffled voice.

I gasped for air as I woke up feeling syndicated. I only opened my eyes for a second, before I closed them again. Wherever I was, it contained blinding lights. However, the light felt warm and the place where I lay was not cold nor hurting my back. Much to the comforting atmosphere, I could smell the faint scents of medicine and phenyl that reminded me that I'm in the asylum. I quickly set myself up and the lights were indeed warm as they came from the sun; as cliché as it sounds, it reminded me of Hoseok.

I was seated on a bed, tucked with white sheets and blankets. And to add further shock, I was wearing the exact uniform as Jimin. Reaching up to pull on the name tag, I saw it indeed was my name; Lee Minho.

"You're awake!" An unknown voice spoke in English, sounding excited. Peering my eyes away from myself, I searched for the owner of the voice. A girl stood at the open door, the same hospital gown as mine, a patient tag also present. I was unable to read off her name tag, let alone think who she was. Her hair was long and wavy, the chestnut color could be mistaken for gold. She had piercing blue eyes and bright red lips. She almost looked unreal. What stood out most was a shiny blue necklace, matching her blue orbs.

"Hi! My name is Sammy, Sammy Homewood" She gladly shook my hand. "Oh well- I'm Lee Minho" She smiles widely at me before looking back at the door and yet again turning to me. Even though I could say she was looking if someone was coming, I looked over her shoulder to see the door number 10 written on it. Feels familiar-

"Say Minho, how did you get here?" I stared at Sammy for a moment and looked away. All the memories I tried to destroy were coming back. The hospital clothes, that weird scent of medicines,     occasional cries of patients. It's all irritating. I looked back up to see Sammy was still staring at me. "I... I can see things" She gave me an interested gaze, before sitting down on the stool beside the bed.

"Things no one else can see. I could talk to them. Everyone thought I was crazy and..." "And you're here" She gave me a bright smile and completed. I didn't answer and instead stared at the door in front of me. "My mom admitted me to an m-mental hospital in a rural town in Korea. I met Felix's dad, He was assigned to treat me. He always brought Felix along with him" I paused unknowingly, thinking back to the old times. How Felix forced me to play with him, how his dad also pushed me to play around. Felix would always ask about those spirits if they were with him, and stuff. He was fascinated by my 'ability'.

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