March 27, 2020
A/N: This was based on the poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into the Good Night".
A violent red streaks across the field,
marking the coats of the rebellion; of us.
We run swiftly towards the enemy.
We will not watch from the sidelines anymore.
We will fight for what is right, even if it breaks us.
We must stand strong in the face of adversity.
Do not let freedom fade from the minds of the young.
For so long we have dreamed of glory and nothing but,
that we have forgotten what freedom tastes like.
For years we have let people tell us who we are.
They have whispered tauntingly in our ears who we will be,
and clamped our mouths shut so we cannot argue.
Our parents taught us to look before we leap.
But we cannot do that when there is nowhere to leap.
So we must run, run, run.
Run until our legs give way and our hearts beat no more.
Into the fading of the light,
Our strength will be gathered by the devils watching above us.
We will not forget this freedom and this wild.
We will not lie low and be peaceful.
We will charge into the darkness of the night without looking back.
the moonlit side of reality (a poetry collection)
PoetrySometimes, when stories aren't enough, I turn to poems. Sometimes, when I set a pen to paper, magic flows out. Sometimes, when I write poetry, something beautiful happens.