3. if I could fly

80 20 34

September 26, 2020

If I could fly

I would go far away

to a place no one knows

and write a story.

My body would be the pen,

swirling, dipping, arcing

ever so gracefully

into the pages of the sky.

If I could fly

I would carry a thousand people

on my shoulders,

carry those who need to be held

and take them

a million miles away from home.

If I could fly

I would unfurl my wings

and make myself vulnerable

to the shredding winds,

the howling cold,

the reckless breathlessness.

If I could fly

I'd touch the stars,

touch the inky black of the night sky,

and look down below

at the warmth and light of the earth.

If I could fly

I'd wait until I'd be ready

to jump



without a safety net,

because even something as exciting as flying

comes with its dangers.

If I could fly,

I would close my eyes and breathe deep,

remembering who I am

because maybe racing through the sky is exhilarating,

but the earth is my home.

the moonlit side of reality (a poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now