9. a momentary feeling of bitterness

41 12 21

October 11, 2020

Pressure builds inside my chest

The feeling of despair,

a one-winged being,

trickles its way through my eyes

in the form of tears.

I wipe them away angrily and stare at

my hands, which are clenched into fists.

Why am I so fragile,

so sensitive,

so weak?

Why do I get upset over

the littlest things?

My face feels hot,

a bright red that gives away

just how much I don't want to be doing this right now.

Don't want to be trapped here

while I could be elsewhere.

Thunder pounds outside,

an unwelcome reminder

that I can't be elsewhere.

The rain rolls down the windows in fleets,

blurring my line of vision

to the point where I wish I could just

close my eyes

and forget everything.

My heart aches,

and my lungs ache,

and my body aches

and I want nothing more than to just have someone to ache with,

but I don't.

Besides, even if they could,

no one would want to come over in this storm


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