28. march on

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January 6, 2021

his glassy eyes shone like empty stars

as he lay dead,

head turned to the side,

for everyone to see.

the ones who ended his life so ruthlessly told us to


get out of there,

but instead,

we took to the streets,

hurtling back sharp words and daggers of our own,

rioting and protesting and

exercising our first amendment rights,

as they tried to tell us


as they tried to tie us up,

restrain us,

keep us hostage.

but we kept marching

for the man who would never know how much his death had sparked.

we kept marching

so that maybe,

in the future,

others could live their lives without fearing for the worst.

we kept marching

to achieve justice for the man who was so

unjustly killed

and we kept marching

even though they told us to


because we wanted to show them the truth

the truth that they couldn't see

the truth that they still cannot see

and so we'll keep marching

until they do.

the moonlit side of reality (a poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now