Greymon Pride

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There was a bunch of Greymon living in a desert with a small oasis and trees surrounding it. The leader Greymon had two red claws, and darker blue stripes. He protected all of the other Greymon since they aren't as strong.

"I wonder how the leader is doing." A young Greymon asked as the oldest female walked over to him.

"The leader is doing just fine. He is getting old, but that doesn't stop him at all." She spoke as the Greymon smiled and layed down next to a rock.


The leader Greymon roared as the others joined in as well. He looked down at his members as he smiled at them proudly and walked over to his mate, which was the oldest female.

"How are you doing?" He nuzzled her neck as she purred.

"I'm fine. Just really hot here." She sighed and nuzzled his neck back. "I might go for a swim."


Another young male walked through thr desert to challenge a leader of a Greymon Pride. He saw one by an oasis and smirked, growled and hurried over to the area. He walked thorugh the Greymon's, saw some young females and other males.

Their eyes widened as he walked over to the leader and his mate. He roared as the leader turned around and snarled. Their eyes pierced at each other as they roared and charged at each other.

The younger male was stronger and got the older male to the ground and bitten down into its neck and he screeched in pain. His mate roared a little in sadness as the leader couldn't last much longer.

"Mega Flame!" The younger male finished off the non-existing leader and roared loudly in victory. He looked at the heartbroken female and smirked and pushed her aside as she slipped into the cool water. "You all now bow down to me! Your old leader is dead and now you'll follow me!" All of the pride gasped, but bowed down anyway.


"I can't believe this happened." A young Agumon cried with his mother as she, and his younger, Koromon siblings stayed very close together.

"Stay close to me, young ones."


The new young male now needed a mate and he knew exactly who to choose.

A young female who stayed away from most of the pride, and loves to fight for fun. He walked over to her as she growled quietly and walked over to him.

"You. You will be my mate." He growled happily as she shook her head as a no.

"Fight me. If you get me on the ground then I will be your mate."

"A challenge? Hmm, I accept." He snarled and their horns made contact.  They were around equal strength as they tried their best to get each other to move, but was no luck at the moment. The male Greymon used his tail to slap her and used this  opportunity to slap her in the side of the head to knock her down. It worked as she groaned in frustration. "Now you will be my mate until I die."

"Yeah, I guess." She nuzzled him as he smiled and roared as the pride looked at them, but didn't care at all.

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