Chapter 8 Losing Control

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The guard locked the door behind you. You ran to the door quickly and started hitting it with your fist. "Let us out! We're sorry for the damages!" you yelled. But you heard the guard's footsteps fade away on the other side. "It's no use Y/N, we're trapped." Katara said. You turned around to look at her but got distracted by your prison cell. It was actually quite nice. The room was round and it had four beds. All made with green sheets and soft pillows. The room was lit by strange looking green crystals that hung on the walls. "Is this a prison? Looks more like guestroom to me." Katara said confused. "Well, they did say it was refurbished." Aang added while he laid down in one of the beds. "That's all well and good. I don't know about you guys but I don't trust that weird king." Sokka said strict. "Me neither. I've got a feeling he got something planned for us. And I don't think it's anything good." you replied. "He looked extra keen on you Aang. Maybe he wants to use you for something only the avatar can do." Sokka said. "I don't even wanna know what that old jerk wants. We got to get out of here." you said and walked back to the door. "Everyone help me out with this. I bet if we work together, we can get this door open." you said and the rest agreed. Aang and Katara stood next to you. At the count of three you all started to bend as hard as you could. But the big metal door was clearly designed to keep benders in. When you all let up it didn't even have a scratch on it. You all huffed and puffed for air knowing bending your way out of there was to no avail. "There's no other way guys. I think we need to see what that king has in mind. Maybe after that he'll let us go." Katara huffed. "But what if they are secretly working with the fire nation and want to sell us for the bounty?" you asked worried and Katara looked worried now as well. Aang walked back to his bed and laid down again. "You guys are forgetting something." he said and you looked at him curious. "We're team avatar. There's nothing we can't do if we work together." he added and strangely enough this did seem to calm Katara and Sokka, but not you. "I think it's better if we get some rest. Worrying about it now is pointless." Katara said stepping into one of the remaining two beds. You looked at the remaining bed beside her. You realized the beds in here were the nicest you had ever seen. They looked soft and cosy and when you walked towards it and sat down on, you weren't wrong. Your friends agreed with Katara and laid down. You were still hesitant. Katara sat up from the bed beside you. "Please Y/N. Get some sleep." Katara said with her caring eyes. "I don't know if I can. I'm worried of what they'll do tomorrow. Maybe it's something worse, something we haven't even thought of." you said honestly. "I know Y/N. But we can't dwell on that now. We might need all our strength to fight our way out of this place tomorrow. Tiring ourselves out will only make things harder." she said with a soothing tone, trying not to wake Aang and Sokka. "I know Katara. You're probably right. I'll give it a try." you said and Katara nodded. "Wake me up if you need me, okay?" she said and you both turned around trying to get comfortable in your beds.

After half an hour the crystal light in the cell went dim and slowly went out. You looked at them trying to figure out what these people wanted from you and your friends. "We're they planning on giving you to the fire nation? Was it all a big ploy?" you thought. "Maybe they will let Aang go. Him being the last hope for the world and all. And turn me in for the bounty." you thought and it was hard to shake it off. You tried to sleep after that, and you did dose off a few times.

But every time you heard footsteps of guards patrolling the hallways you sat up in your bed, ready to firebend your heart out. But the footsteps always passed by. After another hour you finally fell into a deep sleep. Not waking up from any noises anymore.

You were more tired than you thought, that's why you didn't hear a guard slowly opening the door to your cell. He looked around to check if everyone was asleep. After checking out each of your sleeping faces he came in. The guard moved toward your bed and gestured for the others to come in. Several other guards entered your cell as well and each moved next to the beds of your friends. When the guard arrived next to your bed and stood over you, you woke up. It might have been his presence. Even though you kept your eyes closed you knew there were several more. You slowly took a deep breath and a small flame of fire circled in your closed hand, hidden.

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