Chapter 1 The Blue Dragon

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Our story starts in a small village. A village at the border of the fire nation. It was a hot summer day and the people of Yon Dao were overjoyed. The summer festival would start today and people from the entire region came to see. It was a big happening every year, and this year wouldn't be any different. The festival took place at the town's plaza and it was already swarming with people. Yon Dao was a happy, cosy village. People all knew and trusted each other so when they went to the festival, they just kept their houses unlocked. The festival had all kinds of stands. From games to music and from food to circus acts, it had it all. The smells and sounds from the festival were already hanging in the air in and around the village. Its these kinds of days when the people of Yon Dao forgot the darker side of the town. And he was living a few miles down the road.

They called him the Blue Dragon. He was infamous in the fire nation, because he burned down the village he lived in before with legendary power and skill. People called him a monster, an arsonist and a killer. But the thing he was called the least was a boy. Y/N, was only fourteen years old but most people who heard the legend thought he was an adult. Parents warned their kids not to go near his house. There were even posters hanging in Yon Dao instructing not to go near. Of course, included with a monstrous drawing of a bloodthirsty blue dragon. There was a story about the dragon that everyone around the world knew or at least heard off. People called him the Blue Dragon because the village he burned down had an association with the colour Blue. That village was called Darogi, and had a blue flag with a blue rose on it. Most of the people in that town wore blue as well. It was a sign of wealth and power there. But when fire nation soldiers came to the village to claim the monthly taxes, the Blue Dragon refused and went insane. He killed those soldiers, burned down the village with its people and fled to Yon Dao. Many people of Yon Dao protested against this to the local fire nation force. But when soldiers or bounty hunters came to remove him, he wasn't there. Allot of men tried and didn't succeed, he was never found. Fire nation officers who got reports that the Blue Dragon was still living in the village, didn't take them very seriously after a while. They figured the dragon must have travelled on, hiding in the mountains or something.

The Earth Kingdom also didn't really care for Yon Dao, the village was so fragile that it wouldn't even be an honourable win. Many people of the village always said that Ozai didn't care if the Earth kingdom attacked Yon Dao. That's why the village wasn't as patriotic as many other bigger villages in the region, some of the villagers secretly hoped for the return of the Avatar or the earth kingdom to defeat Ozai. But today the people of Yon Dao were happy and couldn't be bothered to think about Ozai, the war or the dragon.

A few miles away Y/N was sitting in his reading chair in his living room. He could hear the sounds of the festival but couldn't be bothered with it. He was reading his favourite book. A big book about the history of the Avatar was resting on his lap. Y/N had huge admiration for the Avatar and hoped he would one day meet the next Avatar in the cycle, from the Water tribe. The last Avatar was an air nomad but everyone knows he disappeared with the rest of them. The Avatar Y/N admired most was Avatar Roku. Roku died over a hundred years ago and was born into the fire nation, but he was kind, just and had immense power. When he finished the book, he put it back in the bookcase with his other Avatar books. He had five different bookcases in his small house. One for each of the elemental nations and one solely regarding the Avatar. Reading and learning new things about the world were his favourite pastime. His books were his pride and joy, the rest of Y/N's house was a big mess. He was always so drawn to his books that he didn't even take the time to clean up. Y/N walked from his bookcase to the window, he opened it so he could hear the sounds of the summer festival even better. "Well, I have to eat sometimes." You thought. So, you put on your jacket and backpack and headed out. You put your hood up and a small cloth before your mouth so no one would recognize you. When you arrived at the market it was as amazing as ever. People really did their best with the decoration this year. The town never looked so colourful. You always had to steal your food so you developed quit a talent for it. You did it with such speed and finesse that no one would notice. When your backpack was full enough for the coming days, you wanted to head back home. But when you did you came by a flower stand. You saw an amazing, lilac Lordi flower. They were your mom's favourite and they only grew near the region of Darogi, where you once lived. You saw the salesman trying to convince a lady to buy a whole bouquet so it was easy for you to snag the flower. When you got back home a few minutes later you dropped of your backpack with food and headed back out. You took the flower out of your jacket and headed up the mountain near the village.

When you were at the top you planted the flower and sang "Mother, talk to me" and tears started streaming down your face. When the song was done you started talking. You hoped that somewhere Shija was able to hear you. "Mom, I can't believe it's been three years since you've been gone. I still try to cope with it every day but I don't know how long I can hold on. People still call me The Blue Dragon for what happened, and I don't blame them. I lost control. I don't know if..." but you were cut off by something standing behind you. "Well, well, well if it isn't the Blue Dragon. I thought you'd be here." You turned around and Dan Bruzi and his gang walked up behind you. Dan was a wealthy boy from Yon Dao. Everyone adored him but he was the biggest bully when the adults weren't around. He and his boys terrorized the schools of the region for months now. "I knew you'd be here crying again. You know people fear you and all but I beat you're the biggest wuss that ever lived. I mean how many things of the story are even true? Who says you're really the guy people talk about and not just some pretender?" he says menacingly. "Go away Dan, I don't have time for you and your stupid games." You say and you wipe away your tears. "Oh, but we aren't here for games. Are we boys?" he said and his comrades nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we are here to take down the thing people of Yon Dao fear most. I guess I don't have to tell you what that is, do I?" he said and he slowly took his fire bending stance. "I know what you mean and let me tell you. Don't do this. You'll only get yourself hurt." You say to him calmly. "Don't worry about me little wimp. If I were you, I would worry more about myself." He said and he shot a fireball at you. You calmly dodged this without any effort, really and you took your fighting stance as well. Bruzi's friends also took their stances beside him and started shooting fireballs at you too. This was getting serious. You had to fight back or you could get seriously hurt. So, you did. Your mom always told you that firebending was such an integral thing in your family's roots, that not bending would be the same as forgetting who you are. You swore to your mother you'd never stop training and you never did. You even set up a training yard at the back of your house with straw dummies and all. You did a few acrobatic manoeuvres and summoned a few fire whips and started hitting the bullies. The explosive sounds of the whips when they contacted with them was almost deafening. You only tried to hit them where they were most protected by clothing or accessories so they wouldn't get burned too badly. After a while they retreated and ran back to the village as fast as they could. "You'll pay for this you freak! You'll see!" Dan screamed while running. You made the whips disappear and sighed. You looked behind you and you saw that the Lordi flower you planted for your mother was burned to a crisp by the fireballs they shot at you. This made you sad but you decided not to look at it too long and returned home.

When you arrived back at your home you were very tired but you also felt very sad. You missed your mother and you felt guilty as ever about her untimely demise. You didn't want to think back to that day but you couldn't help it. It was impossible to erase the screams and burning sounds from your mind, and that humongous beast. After that day you swore to never lose control again. "The monster I have inside of me will never come out again. I know things suck right now but I can't lose hope. I can't lose..." You thought and your eyes lids became heavier and heavier until you were vast asleep. Unknowing that a beacon of hope and his two companions would arrive in Yon Dao just a few hours later, at dawn.  

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