Chapter 9 Fire and Spirit

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It was getting dark. The sun slowly went down and you guys decided to land somewhere and set up camp for the night. Sokka looked over the edge of Appa's saddle and he spotted a suitable small forest to do so. "Guys, I think we should land there. It's a good spot to start a fire and eat the food Bumi gave us." he said. You guys agreed. Aang pulled the reins and Appa started to land in between some trees. When everyone got out of the saddle you did your usual chores. Katara started collecting wood for the fire, Aang took off Appa's saddle and you and Sokka unpacked everything you needed for the night. You and Sokka organized the sleeping bags close to the fire. So, you'd all stay warm during the night. When doing this your gaze slowly drifted off towards Katara who was still picking up suitable dry wood for the fire. You wanted to forget everything that had happened today. But it wasn't all bad. Omashu showed you what Katara really meant to you. She knew what you were and she didn't care. She even offered to help you overcome it. It was hard to describe. You never met anyone like her. She was different. Sokka threw you one of the rolled up sleeping bags. You were still distracted and it hid you in the head. "Geez pay attention Y/N. Stop daydreaming and help me out with these." Sokka said unfolding the bags. You apologized and got back to work.

Aang took some berries from the pack Bumi gave you and started feeding Appa and Momo. Appa growled happily. "He must've been very hungry." you thought and you wondered how much flying took out of a flying bison. When Aang went over to Momo to feed him he was already asleep. He laid on one of the sleeping bags Sokka had just set up and his ears went up and down peacefully. After a while Katara came back and put down a pile of fire wood. She nodded at you to light it and you did so with a quick hand motion. Sokka took out the rest of the food and handed it out. Everyone sat around the fire and ate happily, talking about Omashu and what to do next. Aang said he wanted to focus his attention on learning firebending. After that you would go to the north pole so that Aang could learn waterbending. Katara became very excited because the north pole also gave her a chance to become a waterbending master. You all laughed and chatted for a while after that until it became time for bed. You all said goodnight and crawled into your sleeping bags. You threw another firebolt at the campfire so it would stay lit for another few hours. Keeping the animals of the forest away. It was very cosy laying there looking up at the treetops. Omashu definitely had nicer beds, but you were glad you were out on the road again. For the past few weeks, you felt more at home in the wilderness, camping with your friends than ever before. You quickly fell asleep and you had a nice dreamless rest.

Morning came fast as the songs of early birds swarming the treetops woke you up. You crawled out of your sleeping bag and headed over to Aang. You told him yesterday you would start training as early as possible, because it would probably take all day going over the basics with him. You kneeled down beside him and shook his shoulder which woke him. "Is it time already?" he asked and you nodded. "Do you want to learn firebending or not airhead?" you asked jokingly and Aang crawled out of his sleeping bag annoyed. You two went over to your supplies and took a quick snack from the rations Bumi gave you and opted to head out. Before you went you walked over to Katara and slowly rubbed her shoulder as well. "Uhh... Y/N? What is it?" She asked sleepy. "Me and Aang are heading out for his first firebending lesson. Would you tell Sokka when he wakes up. We're not far." You said silently. "Alright. Just be careful, okay?" she said and you nodded. As you walked off, Katara laid back down in her sleeping bag.

You and Aang walked through the forest. You kept looking around and Aang noticed this. "What exactly are we looking for sifu Y/N?" he asked. "We need a nice, peaceful open space where we can practice firebending. We wouldn't want to set the whole forest ablaze, would we?" you asked jokingly and Aang laughed at this. "With my luck I can't guarantee that won't happen." He laughed and he helped you look for a nice spot. You looked into the distance trying to find a nice area and you spotted an opening between the tree line. "Over there. Follow me." You pointed and you two headed over there.

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