Chapter 4 The Southern Air Temple

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It took a while for your eyes to adjust and the clouds around you to clear up but then you saw it. You just couldn't believe your eyes. It was nothing like you ever imagined. It was a massive castle like structure with multiple towers on top of a high mountain. Appa roared happily when he recognized his home. "I know buddy we're finally home." Aang said and he petted his bison on the head. "It's amazing Aang! I can't believe we get to see a real air temple." Katara exclaimed happily. "Yeah, it's great..." Aang said but his mood was noticeably less cheerful. "What's wrong Aang?" Sokka asked. Aang sighed "Well, there used to be tons of bison and airbenders flying around the towers, but now there's no one to be seen. It worries me, that's all." Aang said and he kept looking around the towers, hoping an airbender would appear from behind one. Katara crawled to his side of the saddle and put her hand on his shoulder "Try not to worry too much Aang. We don't know what happened to the airbenders. Allot can change in a hundred years, you know." she said trying to sound hopeful. "I know Katara. Just seeing this place so quiet makes me sad I guess." he replied. You all looked for a nice spot for Appa to land but there wasn't any, so you decided to land in a small forest a bit down the mountain path. You had the walk for a while before you reached the temple's entrance but no one seemed to mind, except Sokka who couldn't stop complaining about his hunger.

When you were walking up the mountain Katara cached up and walked beside you. Aang was leading further up with Appa. "I'm worried about him Y/N. I'm terrified of what we might find up there." she said. "Me too Katara." you replied "But whatever it is. He needs to see it and we'll be there to help him when the time comes." you said trying to calm her nerves. She smiled at you "I'm glad we ran into you Y/N. A positive thinker is just what team Avatar needs." she said and she smiled approvingly. "Can you guys' stop being all nice and stuff. Listening to my stomach is hard enough." "Oh, can it Sokka." Katara said annoyed and you continued up the mountain.

After a while you arrived at the main gate. It was just as you expected. There was no one there. Aang yelled "Hallo! Is anyone out there?!" Appa roared as well but there was no answer. Aang looked at the ground in disappointment. Katara wanted to walk up to him to comfort him but Aang started walking again right before she could touch him. She stopped and looked back at you not knowing what to do. "I think it's better we give him some space. Seeing this can't be easy." you said and she nodded. After a while you cached up with Aang again, he was looking at some weird contraption.

Aang was standing in front of some weird playing field. There were hundreds of wooden poles sticking out from the ground and each side had a sign with a round hole in it that could spin. You walked up to Aang "What is this Aang?" "This is where me and my friends used to play air ball. The best sport ever created." he said. "Really? It can't be better than Kuai ball." You said and Aang snorted unapprovingly. "Kuai is way too easy Y/N, air ball is a real test of skill." Aang said. "Alright then airhead, I want to try." you said. "I'd love to Y/N, but you have to be an airbender to play." he said down. "Come on Aang. I want to try." you said and he still wasn't convinced. "Well, alright then I guess we both know I'd win." you said smug and Aang looked at you, he smiled for the first time since you got here. "Well, if you put it that way. You're on hotman." he said smiling and he jumped up high and landed on one of the poles. "Hotman?... You really are a hundred twelve years old Aang." You said jokingly and this made Aang laugh. It was good to see him smile again. You launched yourself in the sky with your firebending and landed on the opposite side. "Okay the goal of the game is to throw your ball through your opponent's sign. That's the big board with the spinning thing inside behind you. You can use the poles on the field to distract your opponent. The one who scores the most in half an hour wins." Aang said and Katara who was watching you play below threw Aang an air ball that was laying nearby. "Okay, do you understand Y/N? Ready?" Aang asked. "Uh... I guess." you said nervously taking your firebending stance, trying not to fall off the pole. The sight of you struggling to keep your balance made Aang laugh. "Come on hotman try to find some balance." Aang said jokingly. You took a deep breath and were able to not wobble on the pole for a few seconds. "Okay, here we go Y/N. I'll go easy on ya." He said and he shot the ball towards you. The ball was going extremely fast because of Aang's airbending and you just couldn't keep your eyes on it when it bounced off of the other poles. You tried everything to stop the ball that was coming at you. You shot a burst of fire at it but it was too late, the ball hit you right in the gut, you were launched through your goal sign and landed in a bunch of bushes below. You gasped for air "Damn Aang, that was painful." "You gotta move more like an airbender next time Y/N. Want to try again?" "I'm good for now buddy, maybe later." you said and you waved your hand. Katara ran up to you and knelt beside you "Are you okay Y/N? You made quite a tumble there." she said and helped you up. "Making him feel better puts me through a world of hurt." you said jokingly and she laughed. "I think it's great what you're trying to do for Aang." she said and smiled at you. Then you noticed that something was laying in the bushes you just landed in. It was a fire nation soldier helmet. Katara saw it as well and she gasped. "I knew it. I knew the fire nation had something to do with this." you said and Katara took your arm "Should we tell Aang?" she asked. "Tell me what?" Aang asked and walked toward you. You saw Katara move a bit with her hand and a pile of snow that laid behind you covered the helmet. "Oh, nothing Aang. It's just this new waterbending move I studied." Katara said. "That's great, Katara. But we have to keep looking around. There might be a clue of where the airnomads could have gone." Aang said and you all started walking toward the huge doors that led into the temple. You walked up next to Katara. "Hey, I think we have to tell Aang what we saw. I mean he'll find out the fire nation was here eventually." you said. "I know Y/N. It's just hard. This will destroy him." she said worried. "What will?" Sokka asked, who was walking behind you and caught up. "Me and Katara saw a fire nation helmet a while ago. But we don't know if we should tell Aang." you said. "Of course, you should guys." Sokka said. "Aang might be quirky but he's not stupid. He'll find out something is up sooner or later." You knew Sokka was right. But you were also getting a bit anxious to see Aang's reaction.

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