Chapter 15 The Blockade

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You all looked at Aang in pure shock, no one said a word. "Look I know it's dangerous guys..." "Dangerous?! I think you have completely lost your mind Aang. We're already being chased by prince Zuko and a straight up lunatic!" you yelled, interrupting Aang. "I know! But I have to go to that island to talk to Roku. He wouldn't have showed me that vision if it wasn't important!" Aang yelled back. You looked at Sokka and Katara, they were as perplexed as you were. "You're not coming with me either way." Aang continued trying to calm everyone down.

"Excuse me?!" Katara chimed in. "Like Y/N said it's way too dangerous and I'm not putting you guys in it." Aang said. "Hold on airhead, we all go or no one does." Sokka said as he got up from the floor, walked up to Appa and climbed into his saddle. When he came back Sokka opened up his world map. Aang pointed at a small red dot far to the right. "There. That's where we'll need to go." he said.

Sokka took a few seconds to think things over. "Alright, if we leave tomorrow at dawn and take these routes we'll get there as unnoticeable as possible." Sokka said pointing out directions on the map. "Alright, that's the plan then. Tomorrow morning, we all go to that island so Aang can talk with Avatar Roku." you concluded and the rest of the gang nodded. The four of you got up, said goodnight to Appa and went back to the feast in the townhouse.

The feast went on for another few hours but neither of you could really enjoy yourselves anymore, knowing the huge task ahead of you. When the party was done it was time for bed. Most of the buildings in town were too badly damaged by Hei Bai so they weren't fit to sleep in yet. So, everyone camped out in the large townhouse once more.

With all the abducted people being back the place was even more crowded than the night before. There wasn't an inch of floor that wasn't occupied by a person with a blanket and a thin pillow. You, Aang, Sokka and Katara got your pillow and blanket from a large pile at the back of the room and laid down between the other villagers.

It's was very cramped so you four almost had no space to move or turn. Aang laid to the left of you and Katara to the right. You wanted to chat with your friends some more but some of the people surrounding you were already sleeping so you didn't think it would be the best idea. After half an hour you heard snoring beside you. Aang and Sokka had fallen asleep too.

"I guess being in the spirit world takes allot out of you." you pondered. Katara noticed the two sleeping as well and scoffed. "I seriously don't know how they do it. I mean we're about to head into the fire nation tomorrow and they can just sleep like nothing's going on." Katara whispered in your ear, trying not to wake the rest of the villagers. "Yeah, I know. Maybe it's because they were in the spirit world all day. But we should get some sleep too Katara. Tomorrow we'll need all of our strength." you said and Katara agreed. You turned toward Katara and she did so as well, giving you a warm smile.

"Thank you for being here with me today." Katara said. "Of course. You know, beside the dire circumstances I did kinda like it." you said. Katara chuckled softly. "Me too." "Good night Katara." "Good night, Y/N." you both said and turned in your little beds to get some sleep.

Even though the floor was hard and the space was cramped you fell asleep pretty fast. It wasn't a good rest though. Y/N was plagued by nightmares that night. You dreamt you were in a dark corridor, your hand holding a small flame being the only source of light. You weren't alone though, there was someone standing beside you but you didn't know who. This person gave you a warm feeling so you didn't worry about it. But you felt there was someone else in the corridor... lurking in the dark behind you. You called out to this obscure presence but there was no answer. Suddenly there was a noise beside you and you opened your eyes.

When you did, you saw Aang silently getting up from his spot. You didn't move, intrigued in knowing what your friend was up to. He swiftly went over to Sokka's bag and took out the map from a few hours ago. Aang stepped over you and Katara and slowly walked over to the door. He silently slid it open, got out and closed it behind him. You had seen enough. You slowly got up, trying not to wake Sokka and Katara and the rest of the sleeping villagers. "What's going on?" Katara asked suddenly, still half asleep. "Nothing... bathroom." you said. Katara nodded and laid back down into her pillow. You stepped over her and went outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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