Chapter 13 Earthbenders Rejoice

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"How will that big chimney do us any good?" you asked confused. "Don't you get it Y/N? That chimney there is spewing out our way of helping these people." Sokka said overjoyed. You looked back at the chimney and suddenly you knew what your friend meant. "The coals. You want to bring the coals to the earthbenders so they can use it to fight!" Aang said before you could. "That's not a bad plan. But we're gonna need allot of coal if we want to give these people a fighting chance." Katara said. "That's the easy part. Me and Aang went over the prison from top to bottom on Appa today. The chimney has ventilation shafts just like we used on the village passage yesterday. We just need to use that exact same plan again, but this time much bigger. If we can sneak into the furnace room, Y/N can find a way to close the hatches on the other shafts. I bet one of the shafts leads into the prison yard. If we keep that one open and Aang does his thing, we can transport a whole bunch of coal into the prison block." Sokka explained. "It's genius!" you said and the rest looked excited as well. "Alright, me and Aang will go to the furnace room tomorrow morning, you two need to be ready in the yard when the coal gets there. If things go as planned, we'll have these people out of here before sunset tomorrow." you said and your friends nodded in agreement.

When you were done discussing the plan a bit more you took Katara and Sokka back to the prison yard, making Aang stay with Appa and Momo for a while. When you arrived at the yard you said goodbye to Katara and Sokka. Before you could leave again Katara pulled you into a tight hug and whispered in your ear "good luck." You whispered back "you too, take care of each other." Katara nodded and she let go. You walked over to the door and before leaving the yard you turned around to give Katara and Sokka one final look. Katara nodded again and Sokka gave you a thumbs up.

When you left the yard, you quickly made your way back to Aang. The first rays of sunlight already started to creep into the facility so you two knew you had to be quick. You and Aang snuck your way into the fortress after saying goodbye to Appa and Momo. It was hard to remember the exact layout of the facility. You knew the boiling room had to be somewhere in the middle of the prison looking at the big chimney sticking out from it but it was still hard to locate. You walked into the general direction your gut was leading you towards. There was still no indication of you two going the right way, and you slowly started to feel panicky. But after another few minutes of searching, you noticed a small sign pointing out the furnace room and you let out a sigh of relief. Aang saw it too and before long you two ran towards a large, black door that could only be the one you were looking for.

When you entered the room, you noticed that there were only two guards working the furnace. You looked at Aang and he nodded, knowing what had to be done. Aang stepped forward and took the first guy out with a burst ball of air. The second guy turned around in shock but before he could retaliate, he was struck by a powerful ball of fire you shot at him. You walked over to a terminal at the other side of the room. It had allot of buttons and switches on it, it was kind of disorienting. Whilst you tried to figure out the controls, Aang walked towards a map which hung on the wall to the right side of the room. "One of the ventilation shafts connecting to the main furnace is directly above us Y/N." he said. "That's great, Aang. I just need to find out how to close the rest of them so your airbending can only push the coal into one direction and... not kill you, of course" you said looking over the control panel again, trying not to notice the frightened look on Aang's face.

"This is impossible." you thought and you pressed one of the green buttons on the right side of the console. You looked into the furnace room by the window in front of you and saw two vents closing. "Great, now to find the other two." you said and you pressed another green button. This didn't do anything. You tried another button and a loud alarm went off in the ward. "There's suspicious activity in the furnace room. Any nearby guards go check it out!" you heard the voice of the warden shout over the intercom. You started to panic, you had to do this fast or your plan would be doomed. "That doesn't sound good sifu Y/N!" Aang said. "I know!" you said, trying not to get annoyed. "Well hurry it up!" Aang said. Aang made an opening in the vent on the ceiling using his airbending. "When you closed all the vents just call out Y/N, there's no time!" "Alright, I'll try!" you yelled back trying not to panic even more and Aang jumped inside the vent, waiting for your cue.

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