Chapter 7 Omashu

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You laid in Appa's saddle looking at the sky, thinking of what happened on Kyoshi Island. Thinking of your first encounter with prince Zuko and the way he tormented the village. The night sky was full of stars and the moon was shining brightly. Your next stop would be Omashu and you couldn't wait. You didn't really know why you had to stop there but Aang insisted. You did know about the city from your books back home. But stories and drawn images never compare to the real thing. As you had noticed in Kyoshi. You always wanted to see the famous city in the mountains for yourself and now you finally got the chance. "He, Y/N heads up." you heard Sokka call out. You looked to your right and he threw something onto your stomach. It was your mother's bracelet. It looked as good as new. The Darogi blue was perfectly replicated and he even redid some of the engravings on the sides that had faded over the years. "Thanks, Sokka. This is amazing!" you said and you gave him a fist bump. "No sweat buddy. You better get some sleep. Aang told me Omashu is huge and he wants to show us all kinds of cool spots tomorrow." Sokka said. "You're probably right. Good night, man." "You too." Sokka said and both of you got comfy. You put your bracelet on and admired your friend's handywork in the moonlight. You laid down again and looked around the saddle. You saw Aang who sat on Appa's head with the reins in his hands. His chest was going up and down slowly indicating he was sleeping. Momo laid beside him also with his eyes closed. You looked at the other side of the saddle. Katara had also been asleep for a while. You couldn't blame her. Kyoshi was very hectic. You noticed her blanket slowly falling off of her so you crawled over and tugged her back in. Katara opened her eyes slowly, smiled at you and turned around again. You just couldn't shake that moment from a few hours ago. She kissed you on the cheek. It almost felt unreal. You never felt anything like it before nor did you expect you ever would. Sooner or later, you had to talk to her about it. You knew you couldn't hide your feelings forever. You looked at the sky again. Being thankful for the amazing friends you had. With that thought your eyelids were slowly getting heavier and you fell asleep.

"Did they say where they were going?! How many of them where there?" A mysterious man shouted. "I... Please stop this, I already told you I don't know." Lian uttered. The man took Lian's forearm. "Maybe a little incentive will make you more talkative, Kyoshi warrior. The man took a deep breath and started to burn her arm. Lian let out an agonizing scream. "You can make this stop girl. You know how. Just tell me what I want to know!" "But I really don't know anything!" she said trying to hold back tears. The man tightened his grip and turned up the heat. Lian let out another scream. She knew what it would mean if she brough the avatar in danger but she couldn't fight it much longer. She was interrogated by the fire nation for hours. "Alright... Alright..." she uttered in pain. "The Airbender was here." The man let go and she instantly clutched her burned arm. The man knelt down before her. "Good Lian. Now, was that so hard? What about his friends?" the man asked. "There was a guy with a ponytail and a girl, both water tribe clothes. They had another guy with them, H/C hair." she said. "Was he a firebender?" the man asked. Lian didn't want to answer but she didn't have a choice. If she didn't comply it would be the end of her and the ones, she held dear. "Yes... yes he was. He showed some amazing skill on the lake. I believe his name was Y/N." This seemed to humour the man. "Thank you, girl." The man turned around to leave the room but he stopped and turned his head at the door. "The fire nation troops who attacked Kyoshi, was there a kid with a scar on his face?" the man asked. Lian started to cry still holding her burned arm and nodded silently. The man's smile turned into an evil grin. "You've proven useful Kyoshi warrior. So, I'll make sure your little brother isn't harmed." The man said opting to leave. "What?! You promised you would release him if I helped you!" Lian shouted. "I changed my mind. He isn't old enough to know what happened here today. He'll make for a fine soldier in my ranks." The mysterious man said and headed for the door. "You coward! How dare you take a little boy like that! When you're not even man enough to show your face." Lian shouted. The man stopped at the door for a second, pondering of what to do with her. After a few seconds he decided to leave her be, and he left the room.

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