Chapter 5 Aang's Wrath

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"Auch! What the..." you moaned when something jumped on top of you instantly pulling you out of your sleep. You opened your eyes and looked into two big green ones. It was the lemur Sokka and Aang chased yesterday. "Oh... It's you." you sighed feeling relieved "You better skedaddle before Sokka notices you're back." you said and petted the animal on its head. "You're not that bad little guy. But jumping on Katara's head wasn't that nice now, was it?" The lemur let out a soft screech and purred when you scratched him behind his big ears. After a while the lemur jumped off and pointed at a pile of berries and mushroom. "You gathered all that for us?" you said in amazement. "Maybe Aang is right about you after all." The lemur jumped overjoyed and ran into one of the hallways. You laid back down again and looked at the ceiling of the entrance hall. Everyone else was still asleep. You looked beside you and looked at Katara. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. "Wait a minute... did she move? Didn't she sleep next to Sokka last night?" you thought but shrugged it off. You probably imagined it. You tried your best to get back to sleep, closing your eyes and trying your best to not think about anything, but this made you wake up even more. After an hour of trying, you decided give up and got out of bed. It was still dark out, so you tip towed away quietly to not wake the others, after you got dressed.

"Maybe some fresh air will do wonders." you thought and headed out. The night sky was beautiful with countless of stars and a big, round, full moon lighting the environment. After admiring the sky, you noticed that someone else was having trouble sleeping as well. You saw Appa laying down in one of the meditation gardens, next to what used to be an Oaktree with some decorative bars surrounding it. You walked up next to him and he greeted you with a small grunt. "Having trouble sleeping as well big guy?" you asked and patted the giant bison on his head. You took a closer look to the bars Appa was staring at. It had small bite marks and it was covered in dust. "These teeth marks must be of baby bison." you thought when you saw Appa's sad expression. "It must be hard for you to be back here as well." you said and Appa gave an agreeing grunt. You patted the bison in silence for a few minutes. After a while you decided to leave Appa to his thoughts, but not before you were drenched by one of his approving licks.

"Now what am I supposed to do? The others deserve their sleep, it was a long day yesterday." You thought. After a few minutes of pondering, you knew that to do. You decided to prepare tea for the others. You're journey together was the best thing to happen to you and you wanted to pull your weight around. Plus, who doesn't like some tea in the morning? You went into one of the gardens and started looking for tealeaves. This was harder than you thought because most of the tea plants died because they weren't being nurtured. But you were lucky enough to find a Lychee plant. This tea plant didn't need looking after at all, just some sunlight and some rain once every few months. You picked some of its leaves and headed down the forest to gather some water from the creek. You noticed that the forest was awake as well. Birds were chirping as soon as you entered it and a bunch of cat deer were drinking from the creek as well. They noticed you when you walked up to the creek but they didn't get spooked. It was almost like they knew you were there just to get some water just like they were. After you filled your flasks you headed back to the temple, collecting a few sticks as fire wood on the way. When the big entrance doors appeared in sight you noticed that the sun was already up. You walked past your sleeping friends as quietly as possible and took a few cups, a kettle and a cooking rack from your travel pack.

You decided to make the fire indoors a few meters from your sleeping spot. The floor was made out of stone and the hall had big open windows so the smoke could escape. You put down the logs, took a deep breath and shot a small spark of fire out of one of your fingertips. After that you placed the cooking rack over the fire, poured the water from the flasks into the kettle and put the kettle on the rack. The water started to boil quickly and you put in the tealeaves when the steam started to rise.

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