Chapter 14: It's Real

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"Hey Sleeping Beauty time to get your ass outta bed. It's 9:28."

I groaned as I opened my eyes to see Toni, standing with her arms cross at the end of Sweet Pea's bed. He insisted me taking the bed, despite my protests that I should be the one sleeping on the couch since everything he did for me last night, but he opted for the couch. I lift myself on my elbows and tried to tame my hair that I'm sure looks like a tornado hit it, "What the hell I slept in for that long?" I jumped out of bed, realizing that I am about two hours late for school.

I ran into the living room to the couch so I can wake the tall Serpent up, only to find it empty and that Pea was nowhere to be found. "W-Where'd he go," I turned from the couch to ask the pink haired girl who found herself a comfortable seat on the couch's arm.

Toni tilt her head and scrunched her eyes a bit, "He had to leave early in the morning to school since him and Fangs got detention for fighting Mantle and the other bulldogs. If they didn't get there on time Weatherbee said that he'd have to expel them since the parents at your school have him going harder on us Serpents. Also the fact that FP is putting a tighter leash on us at Riverdale and if we get kicked out then he said he would throw out the pool table from the Wyrm, which lit a fire under Pea's ass," Toni giggled.

It feels like a weight has lifted off my shoulders. I was glad not to face him after the events that took place last night because I myself have not accepted the feelings that I had for him. Truth is, I'm terrified of these feelings because they have never been so strong for anyone, not even Jaxon.

Ever since I first laid eyes on the Serpent in the student lounge I knew he was a womanizer, it didn't take a genius to realize it. Who wouldn't instantly be intrigued for his tall, tanned, muscular figure with his chocolate eyes and his perfectly, but messily, styled hair. The thing that drawn me in the most was his bad boy vibes, hell it's just like the cliche books.

But if this was anything like those books, then I would have one of two destined fates, being the happiest girl with the boy of every girl's deepest dreams or have the biggest heartbreak that I don't know if I'd be able to glue the pieces together again.

"Andy," Toni raised from her spot just a little, clearly seeing I was in deep thought but I turn to her sending her a small smile, "I put some clothes for you in the bathroom."

I entered the bathroom, scanning before me to see clothes that would definitely be drawing me attention, "Wow. Toni these clothes are- something."

The girl in the living room chuckled, "Girl if you think those are something, then you have to see my closet. Now hurry up, I have to do your hair. You can't wear clothes like that and not look the part."

Fully dressed, I exited the bathroom with my brows furrowed as I make my way towards Toni, "Look the part?"

She smirked, "The part of bad ass of course."

I internally laugh, knowing that only the "core four" and Kevin now about my past as a gang member, "Oh, you have no idea," muttered under my breath.

"Huh?" The pinked hair girl questioned before forcing me to sit on the floor as she puts two tiny braids in my hair.

"That's a story for another time," I said, remembering my time with all the guys back at home.

"How about you tell me it later tonight at my place," she smiled, as she saw my confused expression, before saying, "The party? You know the one that Reggie's throwing?"

How'd she get invited if Reggie hates Southside Serpents, "Wait. You're invited?"

"Hell yeah. Unlike most of my friends, I tried to make new friends with the people at your school," she stopped suddenly. Her eyes lit up as if the mere thought of someone made her happy, "Well what do you say Lodge, sounds like a plan or?"

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