Chapter 46: I Dare You

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Waking up for school this morning was horrible. I was a walking zombie after last night events, but Sweet Pea pulled me out of bed, saying how it's important that I go to school. Weird huh? Considering the guy is always ditching and could care less about school. The both of us walked through the doors of hell, me with my eyes half opened as I took a nap in his truck.

"Babe," his chest rumbled with a chuckle, "You got to wake up."

I groaned, "We could've just skipped and stayed home, but no you insisted in coming. So this," I gestured to my sleepy state, "is your fault."

"You're impossible," he dropped me off at my locker, "If I didn't force you to come to school, then your parents and sister would come over to our place and drag us here themselves."

My eyes widened as my heart fluttered, "Ours?" I smiled as I opened my locker.

"Yeah. Ours," Pea wrapped his arms around me from behind, "I know it's not much but... it's ours."

I glanced back at him, "It's perfect."

He pecked my cheek, "Perfect. Now get your ass to class Ms. Lodge."

I groaned as the bell rung, signalling me that my day will be a long ass day.

- - - 

"On the fourteenth of July in 1789, a state prison on the east side of Paris, known as the Bastille," my teacher dragged on. I held my head up with my hand as I kept forcing myself to keep my eyes awake. Veronica poked me from behind every time she saw me put my head down on the desk, which only aggravated me more. 

"Antoinette Topaz to the Principal's office. Antoinette Topaz, please report to the Principal's office."

I peered over to Toni, my brows arched in confusion as she too shared the same look. Toni left the room without saying anything, making the whole class start whispering. Nosy asses.

"Do you think it has anything to do with Cheryl," Veronica leaned forward to ask me.

I shrugged my shoulders as I stared straight ahead, "I have no idea."

- - - 

"Wait, so that was Nana Rose Blossom who paged you," my sister asked Toni in practice.

"Yeah," the pink haired girl confirmed, "it was. Although, we got disconnected before she could say too much beyond the fact that Cheryl was nearby and that she was with the Sisters."

"The sister? What sister?"

"Honestly who knows," I took a seat on the bleachers, "That family is crazy as hell."

Toni nodded her head, "Maybe there's a re-education camp called the Sisters."

My sister pondered, "Well, there's a Sisters of Quiet Mercy, but that's more like an orphanage. I don't think they do gay conversion there."

 "Well, who would know for sure," Toni was eager to finally have a lead.

"Oh my God, of course," a light bulb went off in Veronica's head. She jumped up and dragged the both of us behind her out of the gym.

- - - 

"Yes, it absolutely could be the Sisters of Quiet Mercy," Kevin exclaimed. "It's one of the few places in the country that still does conversion therapy. Off the books, of course." The four of us stood in the lounge as we asked questions, wondering if it could be a possibility if our friend could be there, but the way her family is, she most certainly is. 

Toni scoffed at what Kevin said, "What the hell decade is this?"

Kevin sighed, "During Prohibition, the Sisters ran a distillery in the basement. They used to smuggle booze out to Sweetwater River via a tunnel that still exists today."

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