Chapter 37: Defeat

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Fangs, Jughead, Sweet Pea, and I didn't get any sleep that night. The boys wanted to keep watch and make sure that nobody was gonna come and bother any of us. As for I, sleep was the last thing on my mind. I couldn't even think about sleeping with war on the brim. Sweet Pea endlessly tried to make me sleep, offering me to sleep on him and not the cold, wet, ground, but I refused. I had something to prove to the people here, that I will fight. 

It was the morning when Betty came by, checking on all of us to make sure none of us froze last night. I sat on the ground, my feet tired from standing up on them all night, while Pea continued to stand, holding his ground. Betty sat next to Jughead, "God, why didn't you call me last night, Jug? I would have brought you and your crew blankets."

I smiled at her, "I wish," I mumbled, leaning my head back onto the wall. 

Jughead drank the hot chocolate that Betty brought for him, "You would have tried to stay the night."

"Are you sure you're not gonna get arrested for trespassing or protesting without a permit," the girl asked as she peered back at me. At this point, I didn't even care if we got arrested. We still would fight even when we got out. 

Jug poured more of his drink, "That's the beauty of all this, Betty. See, if Sheriff Keller and his goons try and manhandle a bunch of teens peacefully trying to save their former school, it's just gonna look ugly. Not to mention, probably go viral, which.. at this point, it is publicity I would welcome. Also, no one's gonna mess with those guys over there." Jughead pointed at the older Serpents that FP brought with him earlier this morning. 

Betty arched her brow, "Good point. I have some Student Council obligations with Veronica, but I'll be back later tonight, okay?" The two kiss before Betty gets up and walks in front of me, "V's worried about you Andy."

"Of course she is," I scoffed, "She knew that he was gonna knock this down. She knew of all his plans and not once.. Not Once did she mention them to me. I'm apart of them, the Serpents... so anything my dad does to them, he does to me. Make sure to tell her that B." 

Betty furrowed her brows, "I don't think she knew about Southside High. I mean she told me that she didn't a-and why would she lie to me?"

I brought my eyes up to her, "Because she's a Lodge." Betty left the abandoned school without another word to me or anyone else. 

Jughead sat next to me, "So you really don't know about any of your dad's plans."

I unzipped my jacket, wanting to feel the cool air, "He wouldn't dare tell me any of his plans because he knows I don't agree with anything he does. My father doesn't trust me enough like he does with Veronica."

"What does he think about Sweet Pea," Jughead glanced up at my boyfriend, who was talking to Fangs.

"He doesn't like him, but I don't care about what he thinks. Pea makes me happy and why would I get rid of that. Pea's been there more for me than my dad has ever been." Without him, I'd be lost in this town.

- - - 

The day went on, but got colder as each hour past. I was now shivering more uncontrollably, hands were numb, my nose was numb, I was freezing.

"Princess, we gotta get out of the cold for at least a couple hours," Pea rubbed my body as I had my face in his chest, trying to gain some warmth, "Fangs and I were gonna go to Pop's get some food, and I'm taking you with me."

I nodded into his body, too cold to put up with a fight.

- - - 

I felt myself sigh as the three of us entered the warm diner. "That's so, so much better," I closed my eyes as I welcomed the warmth.

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