Chapter 6: Home

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Andy's Pov:

Vixen practice is definitely not what I expected at all. I thought we would be learning cheers since it is football season after all and basketball season will be starting soon, but Cheryl said that she wanted the Vixens to do more preforming rather than cheering. For the past forty-five minutes, Cheryl has been teaching me and the girl form our English class, whose name is Tony Topaz, a dance that we will be preforming in the upcoming pep rally.

The song we're preforming to is "Toxic" by Britney Spears and the choreography is kinda hard but not too bad that I can't handle. I've been known to be able to dance since I started to go to parties and clubs with Ronnie. Tony and I have to preform what we learned so far because Cheryl wants to see if we can handle the pressure and if we deserved spots on the team, so no pressure at all. The music started and I lost all sense of my anxiety but the whole time I couldn't shake the feeling as if someone is staring at me in the back of the gym.

When the music ended, I turned towards the entrance and noticed a devilishly good looking guy wearing a serpent jacket walking out of the gym. I knew for a fact that it's Mr. Mysterious because of how freakishly tall the guy was, but I wondered why he was even in the gym in the first place.

"Okay Vixens, all in favor for Tony and Andy to be apart of our team raise your hands," Cheryl faced team. All the girls raised their hands, but Cheryl expressed annoyance because that meant Tony, a serpent, would be apart of her team now. "Practice is over Vixens," and with that Cheryl left the gym with a wave of her hand, obviously mad that the girls welcomed a Serpent being on the team, much to her dismay.

"Congratulations Andy," Ronnie and Betty both hugged me, like proud parents. Ronnie continued, "Now we can celebrate you being on the team. Well we gotta get going cause Mom and Dad want us to get home before sunset because of the Black Hood mess that's going on and I'm sure that our mother is gonna be happy that I'm being home a certain somebody home after not seeing her own daughter for a long time."

"Black Hood?" I questioned. Whats this Black Hood that I'm barely hearing about?

"I'll tell you about him in the car now go before Daddy gets mad at me for being late," Ronnie pulled me out of the gym.

• • • IN THE CAR • • •

As we drove out the parking lot of the school, Ronnie started explaining about the Black Hood. "The Black Hood made his big debut when he shot Archie's dad, Fred, in Pop's Diner and then killed an ex teacher from Riverdale High. He now sends letters to his so called "sinners," warning them that they have to do good deeds in order for him a reason not to kill, but even then it wouldn't be enough for him."

"Wait V, what do you mean by sinners ," I asked, fear evident on my face.

"Sinners to him are people who lie, cheat...kill. He then kills them in pure cold blood," she whispered, looking down at her folded hands that laid in her lap, "According to him it's his way of cleansing Riverdale because of the constant sinning."

My eyes lit up in fear, "That means Mom and Dad are gonna receive letters," I lifted myself on the edge of my seat and my body started to shake, "Oh my god, V, w- what if he kills our family."

She grabbed my hand trying to comfort me, "I know that's been going through my mind. I'm scared too, Andy."

I leaned into Ronnie side, placing my head onto her shoulder. All this was hard to digest. I came to Riverdale in hopes to have that happy family that I've always wanted, even with Daddy, but now this Black Hood could possible rip that all away from me.

• • • AT THE PEMBROOKE • • •

When Ronnie and I were in front of the door to our suite, she noticed how hesitant I am to follow her. I kept thinking that when Daddy sees me, he's gonna rip me away from everyone again and I can't go through that pain again. When he put me into that boarding school, I cried myself to sleep every night. I missed my sister. I missed my mom. I missed my dad, even though it's hard to admit it. I was just a 14 year old girl who needed her family.

"Andy, it's gonna be fine. I'm not gonna let anything happen. I'm promise. I'm not gonna let him take you away from me when I just got you back," she reached for my hand and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Okay, I'm ready," I nod letting her know that it's okay for her to open the door.

We walked in and our parents were on the couch talking but soon stopped when they noticed that it wasn't just Ronnie that walked through the door.

"Andriette," my mother stood up, tears instantly forming in her eyes.

"Mom," I stayed frozen in the doorway.

"Oh my god," she moved past my dad and Veronica to get to me and pulled me into a tight hug, "I missed you so much Mija," tears rushed down my face as I brought my arms around her, scared that I might be imagining seeing her.

"I missed you too Mommy."

She let go of me and I raised my eyes my father, not caring that my mascara streaked on my face, "Daddy," I said coldly.


We stare at each other for what seems to be forever, but he's the one that takes the first step. Next thing I realized, he's taking me into a hug, him crying as well, "Andriette, I'm so sorry for everything. I miss you so so much and I love you so much Mija," he loosened his grip enough to look at me in my tear filled eyes, "Please forgive me."

I stared in his eyes, until I see something that I've never seen in my father's eyes...pain. I can tell that he felt truly sorry for what he did so I did the one thing that I knew I needed to do, "I forgive you, Daddy," I sobbed out as he pulled me into another hug.

I forgave him.

My grandma taught me in the time I lived with her, that for someone to truly move on from something tragic, you need to fully forgive the person that hurt you. If not, then you really aren't letting go of the negativity and in the end, just holding yourself back. Yes, my father hurt me in ways that messed me up mentally but right now, I just needed my dad.

After Daddy and I explained everything that happened back in NYC and why I wasn't left, Mom screamed bloody murder at Daddy for his actions and the way "solved" the situation before consulting her. Mom showed me my room and just spent an hour thinking, this could be a second chance for my family. A chance to be the family we always wanted.

Genuine and loving, rather than constantly going after our enemies and eliminating the threat.

As I was drifting off to sleep, my thoughts wondered. This is something I needed to feel somewhat whole again. My parents raised me and Veronica to learn that family is everything and together we are stronger than apart. Without my family for a year put a huge toll on me because I was still so young and I needed to be surrounded by the love only a family can give me.

Even though I'm back with them, I still have a hole in my heart that they couldn't fill. Deep down, I know it's because I'm broken and depressed. We mask our true emotions to not make those around us feel guilty and pity us, though we just need someone, anyone, to listen to us. Family is supposed to help get you through hard times, but nobody really teaches you about what happens if family is the one that puts you in those times.

Honestly, I don't even know if someone can put the last missing piece in me back together.

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