Chapter 4: Meeting Miss. Cherry Bombshell

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"Oh and umm Andy, these are my friends... the one eating his now third bag of chips is Jughead Jones, the blonde is his girlfriend and my bestie Betty Cooper, and this hottie is my Archiekins, or Archie Andrews, my boyfriend. Friends this is Andriette, or Andy, my sister."

Andy's POV:

After I met "the core four," Ronnie escorted me to my third period class, which coincidentally is with Betty and her.

"Umm V, I thought Andy was a year younger than us," whispered Betty to Veronica.

"I am a year younger than both you and Ronnie," I said before V could have the chance to respond.

"Oh, well you see I was looking at your class schedule and just noticed that you don't have any freshman classes on-" Betty explained before Ronnie snatched the paper from her hands.

"WHAT! What do you mean she doesn't have any freshman classes," roared Veronica as she examined the paper as if the words were magically gonna change. "What the fuck! Andy you're supposed to be a freshman. How the HELL are you already a sophomore!"

I continued walking towards class, leaving the two girls astonished. Ronnie was furious that her baby sister skipped a whole year of high school, while Betty was puzzled.

"Funny story actually. Since our beloved daddy sent me to boarding school, I had nothing else to do but study until my brain exploded. When the school year actually started, the dean saw that I wasn't being challenged enough and bumped me up to freshman year, so here we are now. New school year," I placed a hand on my chest, "New sophomore student. Yay!" I waved my hands out to fake excitement.

I stopped by a door with the room number of my class and turned towards Veronica and Betty to see them like statues with their mouths open. "You know if you guys don't close your mouths soon a fly will fly into those pretty little mouths of yours, and Ronnie i don't know if flies go along with your diet. They might ruin your figure," I said while giggling.

The two previous statues began to move, while the raven haired girl spoke, "Well excuse me for being shocked. You never striked anyone as the scholarly type back in New York."

"I changed Veronica. I'm not the same stupid girl I was back then," I turned on my heels, flipped my hair, and opened the door.

In New York, people knew me more as the party girl who didn't care enough about her future, while my sister planned every aspect of her life after graduation.

The three of us walked and tried to move towards the only desks left for us in the back, "Ahh Miss Lodge and Miss Cooper, how nice of you two to join us... thirty minutes late. Now who's this young lady."

"I'm so sorry sir, but we were helping my sister here, Andriette, get her schedule and locker situated," replied Veronica.

"Very well. Andriette do you have a nickname or do you prefer to be called Andriette," he pulled his glasses off as he examined me.

"Andy is fine," I replied.

"Well Andy, Veronica, Betty please take those three seats in the back," he approached his desk.

After that short but awkward introduction with the teacher, we walked back. As I made my way towards my desk, the boys whistled, and one of them just so happened to be Reggie Mantle, but ignored all of them and plopped myself onto my seat.

The lesson went on and I started daydreaming as this boring history class carried on, ughh this is my least favorite subject. I was just on the verge of falling asleep when the red headed girl in front of me turns around. Wow, she had the clearest skin I've ever seen, I'm jealous.

"Hi I'm Cheryl Blossom, or as everyone knows THE Cherry Bombshell of all of Riverdale. You're very pretty, not as pretty as me of course, but above average of most girls here in Riverdale High. Anyways I was wondering if you would join my Riverdale Vixens," she smiled and batted her eyelashes.

 Anyways I was wondering if you would join my Riverdale Vixens," she smiled and batted her eyelashes

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"Riverdale Vixens?" I questioned.

She straightened her back in a proud manner as she talked about the Vixens, "We Vixens are the cheerleaders, the pride and soul of this school. Your sister and my dear cousin are apart of my River Vixens. Come to our practice tomorrow after school and then you can decide if you're interested in taking up my offer."

*bell rings*

"Yeah, okay I'll be there," I agreed as I picked up my things.

*skip to lunch*

I walked alone through the cafeteria doors because V and Betty left to find Archie and Jug. I felt extremely uncomfortable being alone right now. I slowly walked towards an empty table and pulled out my phone. I wasn't paying attention until I accidentally collided with someone, making me fall on my ass.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I wasn't paying any attention," a hand reached out to help me up that I gladly accepted.

"It's alright. Accident happen," the guy said coldly as he pulled me up.

I glanced up to see him. Omg it's the hot guy from the lounge. Immediately, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Omg Andy get a fucking grip, your embarrassing yourself.

"U-um thank you. I'm Andriette Lodge, but can call me Andy."

"What a pretty name for a pretty girl," he smirked and folded his arms. Oh that smirk, how can someone be so attractive by just smirking.

I was about to ask the mysteriously good looking guy his name when someone grasped my arm, snatching me away from Mr. Mystery.

"Come on Andy. You don't want to be talking to any Serpent Scumb," Reggie rudely interrupted.

The leather wearing guy was about to throw a punch at Reggie until another guy with a Serpent stopped him saying, "It's not worth it bro. Let's go outside."

"Fine," he stocked past Reggie with murderous eyes, "Next time I'll kick your fucking ass mutt and I promise, I won't hold pick," and with that he hit Reggie's shoulder on his way out, making the Bulldog stumble, before he disappeared from the room.

*bell rings*

Well that was an interesting lunch break.

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