Chapter 42: Missing Blossom

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After my little chat with Pea, I walked towards the gym to get ready for practice. Once I walked through the doors, confusion filled me as I didn't notice Cheryl anywhere to be around. Strange that is because the girl is always the first one here. Toni called me over where she stood with Josie and Veronica. I stood on the other side of Josie as Veronica and I still haven't talked since our argument. 

"Girls," Toni spoke as she stared at each of us, "I think Cheryl's missing."

I folded my arms as my mouth fell wide open. "What  do you mean, Cheryl's missing," Veronica beat me to the question.

"A-are you sure that she just didn't take a spur of the moment vacation? I mean the girl does come up with strange ideas on the daily basis," I tried to reason. Thoughts of Cheryl being correct about her mom and uncle filled my head. No. This can't be happening.

Toni put her hands on her hips, "Do you remember how paranoid Cheryl was at her slumber party? Saying that her mom and uncle were out to get her?"

I shook my head, "Are you saying that they killed her?"

Toni held fear in her eyes, "I don't know Andy. I just think that they did something to her."

"What kind of something," Josie spoke, fear laced her voice. 

"Her mom said that they sent her off to some all-girls boarding school in Switzerland," Toni narrowed her eyes as she thought of what that could mean.

Veronica glanced over to me, "Well, that's easy enough to check, there's only one, Surval Montreux."

Toni gave my sister a bored look as she shifted her weight to her other leg, "Please. If Cheryl was in the Swiss Alps, she'd be posting parka selfies every hour, but her social media's been dead for days."

"Unless," I spoke, knowing what her mom probably did, "her mother told the school to cut all her ties from the outside world. No phone, no phone calls." I shivered as I remembered that that's what my father ordered the school to do with me. There was no way out by phoning anyone, that's why I thought of writing a letter to my grandma, knowing that she'd get me out of that shit hole.

"Yeah," my sister said in agreement with me, "That's a sure sign of foul play." Toni nodded her head. "Whatever you need, Toni, I'm in."

"Me too," Josie said as she held her hand closed to her chest, in fear of what was happening to our red headed friend, "Even if we have to storm Thistlehouse."

Toni glanced at me, "Is it even a question? Of course I'm in." I smiled at her as I gave her a side hug. 

"Thank you guys. This means a lot to know that I have you guys."

"Toni, you're one of our friends. We will always have your back," I squeezed her. "But I guess that means no practice for us. So who's ready to go to Thistlehouse."

The three girls agreed and began to walk off. "Andy. Can we talk about what happened the other day," Veronica grabbed my hand. 

I ripped my hand out of her grasp, "There's nothing to talk about Veronica. You already made it pretty clear to the Serpents, to our friends, and to me where you stand in this mess that our father caused. I just wished you would've opened your eyes to see what a huge mistake you made when you sided with him."

"I sided with him to ensure that our friends stay safe from him. That he doesn't do anything that will harm anyone we care about here in River-"

"But you didn't," I raised my voice. "Riverdale includes the Southside, V. Not just the Northside. And everything he's done has just been aimed on the Southside... my home."

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