Chapter 3: The Truth

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Andy's POV:

"What do you mean what happened to me? Dad never told you, Ronnie," confusion filled me. All this time, I thought daddy would have the decency to at least tell Veronica the truth. Then it hit me, "Daddy never told you or mom the truth...did he?"

"Andriette! I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Stop being so damn secretive! Andy you left us and without telling me where the hell you were going! Do you have any idea how scared and hurt I was. You didn't even call home to see how mom and I were doing when dad was arrested," tears rolled down her face.

"You left me Andy. My own bestfriend just upped and left without saying goodbye to me and that broke me...more than dad being put into prison," her voice broke as she wept. She stepped away from me, into the arms of the redheaded guy, while the beanie wearing guy and blonde girl sat on the couch watched with furrowed faces.

My heart broke at the sight of my bestfriend crying and it's all because of me. The blood in my body started to boil because dad lied to everyone. "That's what dad told you? That I run away from home?" Ronnie nodding her head, wiping tears from her cheek. "Ronnie...daddy lied. I didn't run away," I sighed, "I thinks it's time someone told you the truth." She untangled herself from the guy's arm and leaned towards me

*Bell Rings*

The student lounge emptied, leaving Ronnie and I, and her friends. We all sat on the couches, around a small table.

I sat on a single person couch and began "Do you remember how at the beginning of last school year how I used to leave in the middle of the night quite frequently and... and that Jaxon died from a gunshot while we were walking home one night," she nods but her brows furrowed in sorrow at the memory, "well... um... Jaxon did die from a gunshot but it wasn't because we were just walking in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Wait. I don't understand how Jaxon has anything to do with this," she shakes her head.

I sucked in a breath before I recalled the memories, "Okay then. I'll start from the beginning. It was the summer before my last year at junior high and the boys and I joined a gang at the beginning of summer called the Vipers. One night the boys, me, and a couple other gang members went to the docks for a delivery who ordered our biggest shipment yet.

We all went inside a warehouse, where we were told that the buyer would be in...but...instead we were being ambushed and gunshots started firing. We all jumped behind trucks for cover and then the gunshots seized to a stop. That's because the buyer made an entrance...Ronnie the buyer was daddy."

"What?! He wouldn't-" She tried defending our father, even though she knew of our father's past with gangs and mobs.

"Ronnie I'm not lying," I raised my voice at my sister, "I yelled out to Dad, but he looked at me with pure disgust in his eyes as he realized that I was apart of the Vipers. He lost control of his anger and ordered his men to drive me to a boarding school in New Jersey because I was being a 'disgrace' to the family.

Before they took me out of the building fully, shots continued. As his men took me to the car, Jaxon ran to me to try to save me and knocked out one of daddy's guys but dad told one guy to shoot Jaxon," I paused, a single tear dropped onto my hands as I looked down.

"I tried to run to him Ronnie. To try to at least save him but someone knocked me out cold before I could get to him. The next thing I knew I was in a dorm room at the boarding school in Jersey. Dad was in the corner of the room and before leaving the room told me to never contact mommy or you, or he would kill the rest of the gang. I couldn't call home Ronnie, please understand that, cause I didn't want anyone to have their lives ripped away from them like Jaxon." I finally look up to my sister, seeing her face stained with tears.

"Oh my God Andy. I'm so sorry. I know how you and Jaxon felt about each other," she got up from her seat that was next to the redheaded guy and gave me a hug as I let myself cry onto her shoulder.

"I don't understand, if you were in a boarding school in Jersey, how are you here," asked the beanie wearing guy that took a break from eating his second bag of chips.

"When the school year ended, my abuela came and got me out of there and I stood with her all this time, until I decided to face daddy again and come home. So I went back to NYC to leave the Vipers officially and the I moved here, to Riverdale," I said with a weak smile.

Veronica got up and came to my side, "Andy I promise to you that I will protect you against daddy as you move back home and I'm so sorry that I didn't try looking for you." We sat in each other's arms for what seem like for ever until, "Uhumm," the guy eating his chips cleared his throat as to show his discomfort.

"Oh and umm Andy, these are my friends... the one eating his third bag of chips is Jughead Jones, the blonde is his girlfriend and my bestie Betty Cooper, and this hottie is my Archiekins, or Archie Andrews, my boyfriend. Friends this is Andriette, my sister."

A/N: Well we know the truth as to why Andy has been away for so long!! And she finally met the whole core four group!! Leave comment, say what you think and what you would like to see in future update!! Thank you.

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