Chapter 5: The Southside Serpents Gang

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Andy's Pov:

I couldn't get those beautiful, yet cold and heartless, brown eyes out of my head that belonged to the attractive guy. I think I'm gonna call him Mr. Mysterious for now, until I find out his name. I was furious at Reggie, but didn't let him know it, for interrupting my conversation with Mr. Mysterious. There was something about him that just intrigues me.


I blinked my eyes back to reality and viewed up at the red headed girl screaming my name. "HELLO! Earth to Andriette. Hurry up and move your legs, we're gonna be late for English."

"Sorry Cheryl, I was just a little... distracted," I said while I was tried to catch up with her.

"Oh, is someone daydreaming about a certain guy that has gotten your attention," she smirked looking at the side of me.

"Woah, how'd you know?" I blinked in shock. This girl has known me a total of two hours and she can already read me like a fucking book... S C A R Y.

"Trust me. I know that look anywhere. The only question is who's the lucky guy?" I walked in silence, debating if I should tell her who exactly is on my mind. She opened the door to our class and guided me to the front two desks. As she sat, she flipped hair over her shoulder and faced me, "You don't have to say. It's Reginald isn't it"

"Um, what exactly makes you think that it's Reggie," I questioned with curious eyes as to why she automatically thinks it's Reggie.

"Andy, you where all he was talking about in 2nd period 'Oh she's so hot' 'She's so pretty' 'Andy this' 'Andy that' blah blah blah. You get the idea." She broke off for a few seconds to stare at my reaction. I was shocked that he was actually talking about me in class, but I just brushed it off because it's not anything I've not already heard before from other guys. "Well, what do you think of him Andy?" I brought my eyes to her smiling like a crazed person.

I rolled my eyes, "He's good looking Cheryl but I don't know he seems like he's a player. I might just be the flavor of the week and when Monday comes around, he'll forget all about me." I couldn't deny the fact that Mantle is a good looking guy, hot if I was to be exact, but someone else seemed hotter.

"I mean your not totally wrong with that description but, I say have fun. It's your first year here in Riverdale so test the waters with a few guys, possible Reginald," she smiled when she said his name, "and see if there's any sparks."

I closed my eyes knowing fully well what she insinuated. I don't know what to say. How do I tell Cheryl about Mr. Mysterious being extremely attractive when this morning I kept hearing people bash the leather jacket wearing kids. What if she too hates them and then forces me to go out with Reggie to take my mind off of him.

"Okay, maybe I will. I'll think about it but I'm not promising anything," I gave up, seeing that the ginger would not take no for an answer.

"YAYYYY," she clapped her hands, making me laugh.

Her smiles was quickly replaced with a frown. I glanced who was entering the door to find a short girl with pink highlights in her brown hair and a latino guy with black hair, both wearing Serpent jackets. OMG I realized that's the guy that held back Mr. Mysterious from punching Reggie at lunch. "God, their in this class. How disgusting," Cheryl shuttered in disgust.

I spent most of class thinking about what the jackets and the snake tattoos could mean and I decided that I couldn't wait to ask Ronnie at home anymore, "Hey Cher, why do I keep seeing people wearing jackets with snakes on the back and snake tattoos?"

She shook her head in annoyance, "If you must ask. Those people are from the Southside of Riverdale. The Southside is filled with criminals. On that side, there's a gang called the Southside Serpents and they sell drugs, cause fights all the time, hell they even killed people," she sucked in a shaky breath, "like my twin brother."

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