Fresh Starts

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Aiden's POV

I was going to kidnap and keep you hostage because I fell in love with you years ago. It's not that hard to say so why can't the words just come out of my stupid mouth. As I looked at Y/N and how comfortable she was around all of us I just didn't have the heart to say it. It was a stupid and sudden decision to make those threats and I fully regret them now, but it doesn't change the fact that it still happened. I looked up at the boys for help and they looked just as conflicted as I am.

"Well, what are we talking about?" Y/N ask beside me snapping us all back into reality. Finally, Lewis sighed and opened his mouth.

"Aiden was the one who sent the video Y/N." Just like that everything got silent and I could see the thought process and go through her mind. She slowly turned her head up to me and locked eyes, I could see her whole body stiffen at the discovery and I know the next few minutes are going to be extremely crucial.

"Aiden you did it?" She asked in almost disbelief and I noticed her body shift slightly away from me as she spoke.

"I did but listen to me quick pl-"

"You threatened my family, you brought up Harrison, how the hell do you even know who Harrison is or about my powers?" She said calmly and getting up so she wasn't as close to any of us anymore.

"Y/N you need to-"

"I don't need to do anything for you," she shouted cutting me off, "you need to get away from me and not even consider coming around again!"

"Y/N I SAID IT BECAUSE I WANT YOU!" I shouted back at her.

"What on Earth could you be talking about?"

"I know you, I have for a long time. We meet when we were little and since then I have been keeping tabs on you. You've been my reason for living for the last few years and Y/n you have to believe me when I say that I never meant what I said in the video. I was angry that Peter got you, I was angry that I couldn't get the person I was chasing after for so long. I was pissed off that the little preppy boy swooped in and claimed you quicker than I could even get your attention. I regret everything I did involving the video and you have to believe me, I put it on Liam and Leila."

"You sent Harrison after me?"

"I told Harrison about you. I told him that I would do anything just to be friends with you or to talk to you once. He told me he would get you to talk to me or notice me. That's what he was supposed to do and he never did."

"Do you know what I was put through? Do you know I still have nightmares about him and that I will probably never recover from what he did to me? You did that to me Aiden." Her arms wrapped around her torso almost as if she was trying to comfort herself and when I stepped towards her she flinched away from me, I'm surprised I didn't lose it then.

"Love what are you talking about? Harrison was supposed to gain your attention that was all. He was never told to lay a finger on you. Did he?" I asked her and she nodded her head softly. "I'll kill him, stupid bastard. What did he do to you? How bad was it? When I see that little-"

"Aiden it's over with don't worry about it."

"No Y/n you didn't deserve that and the fact it was someway my fault makes it ten times worse. I would never hurt a hair on your head I swear." I finished my rant and it got quiet. In a flash, the front door swung open and we heard crashing heading towards. I didn't hesitate to get Y/n behind me and pull out my pistol from my waistband and it appears the boys had the same thoughts as they formed a barrier between Y/n and the hallways which still had crashing sounds coming from it.


"Peter?" Y/n whispered from behind us all and stepped out in front of us. I gripped her arm gently telling her we don't know who it is and it isn't safe but soon after Peter steps into the doorframe.

"Get your hand off her now." He stated calmly and respectfully I let her go and she didn't move. Peter turned his attention to Y/n and begun to speak. "We need to go he's the guy, he's the one who threatened us. Let's go and we can take care of them."

"I know who he is Peter. It's settled now."

"What do you mean it's settled now? Y/n he sent Harrison out for you. He threatened your family and you. How is any of that settled?" Peter questioned her as if she was stupid and it made my blood boil.

"I am aware of what he did Peter and I am the one who went through it so if I say it's settled then it's settled. Aiden you better keep that job at the coffee shop because we start over tomorrow is that understood?" I quickly nodded my head in agreement not missing the glare Peter was sending me, "So help me God if you ever consider threatening me and my family again I'll make sure you pay for it is that understood?" Another nod came from me and a small smile was set on my face. This was my chance of redemption and I wasn't going to throw it out. "Great now Peter let's go me and you have a lot to discuss." She finished and after waving bye to us all she left and I spun around to the three that I forgot were behind me.

"How did you get away with that?" Luther asked shaking his head.

"Get away with? Did you not see the look she gave him? He is on such thin ice it is unbelievable." Lewis said as the three of them walked to the kitchen and I made my way up to my room to get ready for work tomorrow, maybe I won't want to bash my head into the cash register all day now.


The way home was completely silent as neither of us knew where or how to start. It wasn't until we both made it into my room back at the tower that either of us even looked at each other.

"Y/n baby I am so sorry about everything I said. I need to work on my outburst and what I say when I get mad because I don't ever mean any of it I swear. You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I don't know what I was thinking. I know you would never cheat and it was stupid of me to even process those words and let them come out. You have been the best girlfriend to me and you've never given me a reason to not trust you so I have no clue where I got that from. I guess I was just jealous. You and Aiden seemed to hit it off so well and I was worried when I shouldn't have been. Please forgive me."

"Peter what you said really hurt me. First, you don't remember Liam and Leila, then you accuse me of cheating, and then you said I was sleeping around town when you knew better. Yes, I think you need to work on your little anger fits but I promise that I will stop being petty and not telling you everything. Not that I need to but I also don't have anything to hide or a reason not to. So we are even now I thought you were cheating once and you thought I was cheating once, now can we put all of this behind us and go do something fun?" I finished by grabbing his hands and pulling him off my bed and he nodded his head with a smile. I pushed up on my tippy toes to give him a quick kiss before we ventured out to find an adventure to go on for today.

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