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It's been 5 hours since I have heard anything from anybody on the team. The news is not covering anything on the issue now and the world seems eerily quiet. For the first two hours, I sat at the window watching the treeline as if my life depended on it, just looking for any sign of a fight or disturbance. The boys tried getting me to do something and take my mind off of it but I couldn't even process doing anything else. My whole family and the love of my life are out fighting against something or someone. Then here I am. Sitting in a big safe house, without a single threat insight.

"Y/n it's getting dark. The guys and I set up a room for you upstairs, it has a window for you to keep looking if you want to. Please go up there and sleep or at least eat by the window. Your favorite chips and a sandwich are up there." Aiden said from the doorway. I could see his reflection in the glass and for the first time in 5 hours, I moved my stiff body to look at him. His face looked a little shocked and relieved that I had finally made movement. As much as I didn't want to take my eyes from the window he was right. I needed sleep and food just in case they needed me out there. Quickly thanking him I rushed upstairs and to the bedroom that they set up for me. I closed the door and quickly stripped of my day clothes into something more comfortable. I grabbed the sandwich and chips from the bed and walked to the bay window. I sat on the cushions and with my eyes trained on the treeline I neatly placed almost half the bag of chips inside my sandwich and took a bite. Peter always laughed at me for eating chips inside the sandwich but I felt like it always added that extra flavor and crunch that was missing. For a split second, I looked away and grabbed the glass of water on the nightstand. A bright blue light filled the room and I shot my head to the window. A blue and white light consumed the sky a few hundred miles from the house. I looked at it closely before getting a strange feeling in my stomach.

"Why does it look like that?" I questioned out loud as I stepped closer to the window. It looked like it was moving but still remained in the same form. It wasn't until I looked at the treeline quickly being consumed that I realized it was coming this way. I had no time to react before the blast has reached the house and, from the sound of it, shattered every window. All I felt was stinging across my face and stomach. My head began to pound as an annoying high-pitched ringing was set off in my ears.

"Y/N. ARE YOU OKAY?!" I heard a muffled voice call out to me. The ringing got louder and louder until I couldn't take it anymore. I covered my ears as I screamed out. Begging for the pain to stop. I felt arms shake me and then shortly after multiple hands and faces appeared in my vision.

"Make it stop. Make it stop!" I screamed out at the sickening ringing. I could barely make out their confused expressions as they stared down at me. Aiden picked me up and carried me to the room next to mine. No window no exposure to outside. The ringing stopped. I slowly moved my hands from my ears and looked around with my tears drying on my face slightly. I could feel the burn from all my cuts but the pain was pushed aside as I tried to piece together what happened.

"Y/n what were you screaming about?"

"The ringing i-it was hurting and so loud and I-"

"Sweetie there was no ringing only broken glass," Aiden explained as they all gave me weird looks. I shook my head in denial as my brain ran thousands of miles per hour trying to put the pieces together.

"N-no. No, I heard it. I couldn't focus it made everything hurt. I know what I heard. It started right after the window shattered and then the room filled with noise and it was hard to see. Look I know I am not cra-" My sentence was cut off when the ringing picked up again almost 100 times worse. I slammed my hands over my ears and screamed out in pain as new tears made their way down my face. After a few seconds, Aiden removed my hands from my ears and held them down as I braced for the noise that never came.

"Don't you dare open that door again you hurt her." He growled out to whichever guy was at the front of the room.

"That's weird it seems like only she can hear it and we can't." Luther stated as he rubbed his chin.

"Maybe it has something to do with my powers."

"Could it be something connected to the thingy your people are fighting?" Lewis asked sitting on the ground next to Aiden and I.

"I think so. But if I am being harmed like this and I'm super far away then how are they being effected?". Without another word I rushed to the door momentarily forgetting about the ringing until I am on the floor covering my ears again and feel someone drag me back into the room.

"Y/n what the hell was that. " Kayden asked after he dragged me to the middle of the room and blocked the door with his body.

"I forgot for a second but I need my phone. It's in the bedroom but I need it now can someone get it please." Kayden nodded and before he opened the door I put my hands over my ears, followed by Aiden putting his hands on mine, and the Luther, and then Lewis. I could barely hear the ringing through all of our hands. It sounded more like someone hit a triangle while we were in music class now that my ears were blocked. The noise stopped and I looked up to Kayden who held my phone in his hand and walked it over to me. I quickly snatched it after saying thank you and called Peter. Automatically went to voicemail. I was going to call Dad but decided to click the next person on my call log. I called Wanda. Automatic voicemail. Bruce, automatic voicemail. Thor, automatic voicemail. Finally I got to dad's contact and it rang a few times before I heard FRIDAY'S voice. "Is this an emergency Mr. Stark is currently busy."

"FRIDAY it's Y/n I need you to put me through to dad or dad's suit ASAP." I rushed out happy I finally reached someone. 

"Hello?" Dad answered and I heard chaos in the background.

"Dad! Dad what's going on? Where are you? What is that awful ringing-"

"You hear it as well?" His voice was calm and quiet and his tone got serious which surprised me.

"Yeah I hear it but I am in a isolated room right now that doesn't have any outdoor access and it stops the sound somehow." I explained to him. It made no logical sense to me but that's the best I could explain it as of right now.

"Y/n listen to me and for once do as I say. Stay in that room and do not leave keep your phone on you at all times. Do not. I repeat DO NOT go where you can hear the noise is that understood?" He was using a voice I wasn't familiar with and it scared me.

"Yes dad I understand. What's going on why can you stay outside and be fine? What happens if I do go outside?" I rushed out as many questions as I could think of.

"I don't hear it but almost every avenger right now is down for the count. Anyone who reported they could hear the noise is currently in critical condition and passed out. Happy and I have been transporting them to the tower to get them inside."

"Where's Peter?" I questioned as my whole body tightened up. There was a pause on the line before I heard dad sigh. His voice broke before he began talking.

"Y/n he-" The line cut.

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