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My dad looked ready to kill and I am sure he was. Peter was still standing at the front of the room nervously messing with his hands. He looked up at Nat, she was glaring at him. 

"Nat this was before you rules I swear I would never disobey you!" Peter said. Nat nodded and approved of this. I smiled knowing me and Peter had some support. Now only Thor was holding my dad. I haven't caught his deadly gaze yet but Peter has. Shockingly Peter didn't look away scared instead he stared right back at my father. Last person to do that was "DEALT WITH". 

"Alright, obviously you kids don't know how to follow rules so there will be more changes. You two do not have my permission and you two aren't allowed together by yourselves. You guys were not even alone for 1 hour and you already broke my biggest rule. Peter and Y/N go to bed in your own beds and we will discuss this some other time. Also Mr. Parker I would watch it if I were you, Cause you are playing with fire and trust me the good guy always gets burned." My father said. Everybody stared at each other not saying a word. Me and Peter walked away and headed to our rooms. Once inside I facetimed him. He answered instantly.

"Look I don't care what Mr. Stark says I will always like you Y/N. He could put me through anything and I will still try to be with you. I promise." He said 

"We don't have to follow his rules. Let's just be reckless normal teenagers. What's the worst he could do?" I said

"I am a little afraid to know that answer but I agree." He nodded. 

"Alright come on your sleeping in my room tonight!" I hung up before he could deny it. I really did like this kid. I wasn't about to let my father ruin my life. A knock was at my door and it made me jump a little. I slowly opened the door and Peter was standing there smiling from ear to ear. He had a addicting smile and I am afraid I have fallen for it. I stepped aside so he could enter my room. Its not like anything is going to happen between me and Peter. We are only teenagers what could happen. The night was filled with laughter and stupid dares. At one point Peter was walking around in my clothes like a fashion model. We started to settle down at around 12pm. We lied on my floor watching Star Wars again. Everything was perfect until...

"What are we?" Peter asked still watching the tv. I was shocked at the sudden random question. I didn't know how to answer. It is safer for Peter if we are just friends but I know both of us really like each other. 

"I think we should be friends... best friends until futher notice." I said in a sad tone. I could see his eyes change from happiness to disappointment. But he still nodded in agreement. He knew that was the safest choice. I care about him way to much to see him get hurt because of me. It is so strange how he has changed me, I always told myself that I can't be close to anyone. But Peter... He is just so different. We fell asleep there on my floor, completely normal two teenagers who secretly love each other but won't admit it sleeping on the floor. That is how it went for the next few months. Me and Peter become best friends almost like brother and sister or is that weird.


Me and Peter were chasing each other around the house with pillows and whacking each other. Everything was back to normal now. My dad agrees to me and Peter being best friends, The Avengers tease us every now and then, and it seems like Peter has forgot about his feeling... but I haven't. Peter knocked me out of my thought literally. I land on the ground pulling Peter with me. He landed on top of me and we laughed so hard we were crying, I guess it doesn't look that innocent because when my father walked in he was furious. He walked over to us and ripped Peter off me. I jumped up as soon as this happened. Peter was being held a foot off the ground by my father. I pulled and pulled at my fathers arm but he didn't move. Thor walked in processed what was happening and pull Peter away. I ran over to Peter who was gasping for air. Everything was going great why does this always happen. Every once in a while my dad would take something the wrong way and flip out on Peter. Like once at dinner I said "Hey daddy can you pass me the salt?" I asked my dad who was talking to someone. What made him mad was when Peter and him reached for the salt at the same time. My dad grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the table and gave Peter 2 seconds to explain. Peter just reached for the salt because my dad was talking and only Peter heard me. So these events weren't new. 

"WHAT WERE YALL DOING!?!" my dad yelled calling everyone to the room. I rolled my eyes at the sudden crowd. 

"FRIDAY play the living room clip from 3 minutes ago." I said in a irritated tone. The tv turned on and showed me and Peter play fighting like little kids. Everybody had a smile across their face and even my dad had a little smirk. Everybody sat down on the couches. Nat pressed a few buttons on the remote and a new video labeled Y/N and Peter started. It showed clips of me and Peter being silly around the house.

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