Crazy Theory

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3 Months Later


It's been three months since I last saw Peter. I've rarely left our room let alone the tower. Eventually the rest of the Avengers woke up with no memory of the fight or them blacking out. I don't know how Dad and Clint did it, they tried telling me but I didn't care enough to listen. The only time I listen is when his name is brought up. I am glad everyone is awake and doing well but I know I am not as happy as I would have been if he was with them. It makes me feel horrible that I can't even pretend to be excited about everyone's return, I feel like I am being over dramatic and as hard as I have tried I can't just go back to my normal self. I have watched the tapes of the fight countless times. Dad assured me they viewed all the tapes the city gave them but once he told me it was a dead end I had to see it for myself. Happy and Dad check on me daily, both staying for awhile but if they don't hear much talking from me they leave so I can have space. The most active I have been was a few days ago when I punched some assistant in the face after she suggested we hold a service for Peter. As much as I want to feel bad for hurting someone who just wanted to help, I don't care. I've lost weight, a lot. My hair isn't as healthy as it was and falls out easier now. I have bruises from my usual night thrashing, they never appeared this badly but there isn't anything I can do about it. I woke up today with another note and cup of coffee at my door from Aiden. He use to bring it into my room and place it on the nightstand but as time went on he said it was better for me to walk even that short distance to the door. I don't typically drink the coffee but I do read the notes that have his updates in it. I caught him one morning putting the cup and note at my door, I asked him 'why don't you ever come in and talk to me?' and his response shocked me, I can't wait to tell Peter maybe they can make up. He looked at me and awkwardly said,

"It doesn't feel right going into your safe place with Peter not here. I respect him and your guys relationship. Until I bring him back I don't deserve to even think about going into his personal areas.". Seemed a little dramatic to me but shockingly Aiden is one of the most effected people from Peter's disappearance. He claims it's because Peter's absence effects my mood which effects his but I know he misses their arguments and fun disagreements.

"FRIDAY replay the clip please." I shout out after sitting criss cross on the edge of my bed, I hear the robot give an annoyed sigh and flip off the wall to show I don't care about their attitude. My daily routine consist of : waking up, getting the note and coffee, review the fight clips again, get frustrated, cry, eat a small dinner, cry, sleep. On the better days I might go down and ask everyone else if they found anything but after I kept getting the same answers those better days became more rare. However, something is different today. The room seems brighter, the coffee smells stronger, and the buzzing from the AC doesn't sound too loud. The video I have watched a million times appears on my wall. In the clip you can see Peter fighting across a large park, everyone is running in and out of frame as they tackle these weirdly shaped  robots the appear to look human like. He presses his ear and looks towards my Dad, this was when he told him he was going after one of the minions. His head snaps to his left and he runs down an alley way away from everyone. He doesn't appear again. 2 minutes and 23 seconds after he disappears the Avengers fall and everyone with powers is passed out. Dad said the city gave us all the tapes they had on hand of that day but I haven't thrown away the strange fact that they coincidentally don't have any camera's on the alley way in which Peter disappeared. I haven't gathered the courage to leave the house and go to the spot where he left. Part of me is holding on to the ridiculous idea that he will just walk into the tower and I don't want to be gone if he does. Another part of me (the smarter side), knows that I don't want to go because once I see he isn't just sleeping in the alley that reality will set in that he might be gone forever. Suddenly an idea hits me and my sudden shift in posture sets off FRIDAY.

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