The Escape

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 "I thought you would be asleep forever and I would never be able to have some fun!" Harrison laughed.

 " w-what am I doing here Harrison? " I asked. He smiled.

 "Well I couldn't let you get off that easily. After you father 'dealt' with me I escaped and since then I've been working on how to get you back." Harrison said leaning against the hallway wall.

 " what do you want from me? " I asked shaking a little. I hated being so weak.

 "I don't want something from you i want YOU!"  Harrison said. 

 "Well too bad!" I said. Finally finding some strength. 

 " Aww love I'm in charge here and I think you need to be punished for that. " Harrison said and signaled somebody over. The last thing I remember is seeing a cart and feeling a slice across my check.

Peter's POV

I have been swinging around for hours hunting for Y/N. But she has just vanished. I returned to the Avengers Tower empty handed. Everyone was running around like they lost their heads. But when I walked in everyone stopped in their tracks and turned to me. I slowly shook my head no in disappointment. 

 "Everyone gather in the living quarters." FRIDAY said over the P.A system. Everybody rushed over and was whispering to each other. Mr. Stark came in and silenced everyone. He looked like a complete mess.

 "Ok we all need to work together in order to find Y/N. Has anyone checked her security camera footage from her room?" Tony asked us. The silence answered and Tony looked disappointed.

 " Well how about we start there FRIDAY pull up Y/N room footage. " Tony said. The lights dimmed and a screen appeared. At first all we saw was Y/N dancing around her room. Gosh I miss that dork. The video jumped ahead and showed her sleeping. Just as Tony was about to fast forward there was movement. Through the window a tall figure walked into her room. They injected a liquid and left with her just like that. FRIDAY pulled up the van that she was put into and followed it through traffic lights. Then it stopped at a empty gray building. The person got out of the van took Y/N and walked inside. We continued to watch and the van drove off. Nothing else happened.

 "FRIDAY skip forward a few hours." I yelled. The video then showed a guy in a suit walking out of the building. Tony paused the video and zoomed in on the face.

 " FRIDAY analyze that face tell me who he is. " Tony said. A minute later a profile appeared on the screen in bold letters it said. HARRISON OSTERFIELD. 

Your POV 

I woke up again in a pool of blood. For the past few hours I've been cut and hit repeatedly for not listening. But I'm not giving up. All the runs through my head is pictured of Peter and me running through the streets of New York. I can't give up i have to stay strong... For him.

 "Have you had enough?" Harrison asked.

 " Screw you Harrison! " I yelled. He just smiled and signaled the person to hit me again. More blood came out of me. At this rate i would be dead in a day. 

 "Where's your precious Peter Parker?" Harrison asked.

 " Shut up! " I yelled.

"WHERE IS HE Y/N!!!???" Harrison yelled.

" He will find me and he will kill you! " I hissed back.

"Yeah sure he will." Harrison said sarcastically.

Peter POV,

We formulated a plan and now setting it into action. I was across the street in a rooftop. Thor, Steve, Bucky, and Tony were a block away. Everyone else was outside the door in 2 minutes out plan would start. The people out front are to rush in and take out as many people as possible. Then Tony's group pushes after to find Y/N. Once they find her i swing in, grab her, then swing to the tower where Bruce and doctors are waiting. The 2 minutes were up everyone was in action now. I sat impatiently on the rooftop waiting for my signal. I see Tony and them walk in and I can her guns going off. I heard Tony yell "NOW!!" I swung in and found Y/N on the floor barely moving. Blood seemed to be leaking everywhere from her pale body. It made my blood boil and I really wanted to find Harrison and beat the daylights out of him but I had to focus on Y/N, who knows how much longer she can hold on. I picked her up gently and swung her to the tower. Bruce and the doctors were waiting for us there. They strapped her to a table and started to push her into a room I tried going in but Bruce stopped me.

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