Don't be weird

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"Oh my god Y/n you don't even understand how amazing that shower felt." Peter said collapsing on the bed next to me and quickly pulling me into him. We have been home for about 4 hours now and I just convinced him 20 minutes ago to let me go and shower. He's been attached at the hip since we found him and I don't mind at all. I missed seeing him everywhere and now after he has finally showered with his soaps, his smell is filling every corner of the room.

"I missed your smell."

"Y/n don't be weird." He teased and kissed my forehead before we fell into comfortable silence. The quiet didn't last to long before my door was opened and we could see most of the team outside.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask peaking over Peter's head from the bed.

"Well Y/n you aren't the only one who missed Spider-boy. Is that what I was suppose to say Tony?" Thor said. He tried whispering the last part but due to his loudness and the silence around us it was as if he spoke it to everyone normally.

"What are you talking about?" Peter asked rolling over to face them all.

"Gig is up. Tony wanted us to make sure you weren't having sex in here." Thor said before anyone could come up with something. He really doesn't keep things on the down low here. If you are planning on doing something secretive or want to surprise someone in the tower it is best to keep Thor out of it. But we still love him.

"You know Thor I give you one job and unless it's bashing some heads in you never seem to do it right. One job! Check up on the kids, make sure they're comfortable and not trying to reproduce. But most importantly DON'T TELL THEM WHAT YOU ARE DOING!! AND WHAT DID YOU DO?" Dad scolded him as he walked into my room and leaned against the bathroom door with his arms crossed glaring at Thor.

"I told the kids but in my defense I was put on the spot and these little mortals are very good at getting whatever they want out of me."

"We barely even said anything. You folded almost instantly don't put the blame on us because you are a horrible secret keeper." Peter said and we all chuckled a little.

"I will not stand here and get insulted by a teenage boy who still hasn't gone through puberty." Thor stated and pivoted where he was before flicking us off and walking away. This is the most normal I have felt in a long time and as everyone follows Thor and I can hear the commotion down the hall I allow the biggest smile to fall on to my face. Everything was normal again, and I had my Peter back. As lovely as it sounds I know not to get too attached to this life stage right now. One thing many people don't know about the Avengers is that consistency is never a factor in our life. There is always something happening that will effect us at all times and as much as I would like to sit back and enjoy this time I know I can't. I have a lot of repairing and training ahead of me if I want to get back to my strength level before we lost Peter.

"Y/n they are calling us for dinner are you ready to go?" He asked me while rubbing my arm and I shook my head no. I guess my habit of staying in bed and skipping meals wasn't going to leave as soon as we got Peter back. To be fair I have been letting my body survive off the bare minimum so I don't know why I thought things would go back to normal instantly.

"You need to eat come on let's go enjoy a meal together." He said standing up and holding his hands out to help me stand up. As much as my brain was telling me to go eat and enjoy my time with him, my body wouldn't allow me to move. In my head I grabbed Peter's hand and we made our way down to the kitchen but in reality I was zoned out staring at his hand as if it was insulting.

"What's wrong love?"

"Nothing is wrong I just can't eat."

"Why not? You need to so either we go now or we talk through this." He stated rubbing my head.

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