I know where Peter is

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Peter's POV

It's been three months since I've seen Y/n. Three months since we fought against these ugly looking robots in the park. Three months since I have been home and at peace. I don't know where I am, I don't know who has me, and as time goes on I am starting to question who is going to find me. Whoever or whatever is holding me captive right now is very good at hiding all identifying factors from me. I'm in a room, well lit with padded floors and concrete walls, almost like a movie psych ward and prison cell put together. There is no door. I don't know how I got in here, all I know is every day at least three times a day a small slot opens in the wall and a pair of gloved hands reaches in and sets a tray of food down on the floor followed by a glass of water. Twice a week they play a noise, so loud it hurts my head until I pass out. Then I wake up later with clean hair, teeth, body, and clothes. I want to go home. I want Y/n.


Aiden and I decided to drive to the alley just because it would be quicker and we didn't want to risk walking that far in my current condition. It feels like I am in a movie driving through the town I grew up in and everything looking different. It seems like there isn't many people out today, it's not rainy but it isn't sunny either, I haven't seen a bird yet. But all my weird feelings go out the window when I see Leila and Liam's coffee shop.

"Feel like a cup of coffee will fix you?" Aiden ask with a small smile and I nodded vigorously. I do miss a lot of things I use to enjoy and I feel like I need to start repairing myself for when we do find Peter. I need to be my normal self so I can help him adjust back to our lives. The best way to do that is start with the small things, so my favorite coffee from my favorite place might be what I need. We parked and crossed the street to get to the shop, as soon as we walked in Leila tackled me in a hug. I winced a little from her strength but returned the hug as soon as possible.

"My oh my I thought you were dead I haven't seen you in forever! Liam come out here our favorite has arrived!" She shouted. A second later I see Liam running from the back to where we are, he stops briefly at the counter to take in my presence and then runs up to me and hugs me a little less tighter then his wife.

"And if it isn't our little worker. I see why you quit now Y/n must be keeping you busy?" Leila said embracing Aiden as well but for a shorter amount of time then me.

"I'll go start your coffees love you guys want it for here or to go?" Liam ask us as Leila is analyzing Aiden right in front of him. He looks a little nervous it's kind of funny.

"To go please we have a break in a case we are working on so duty calls." I say taking out my wallet to pay. I hate people giving me free things so when neither Liam or Leila is working I slip the 10 dollars under the tip jar so they know it's from me. Liam is almost done making the coffees when I return to Leila and Aiden, the latter looking like he is on trial for murder with how nervous he looks.

"Here you go loves, we better be seeing more of both of you here soon or we will hunt you down." Liam says and we say our final goodbyes before heading back to the car. As soon as I am seated with my seat belt on I take my first sip and throw my head back from how good it is. I really do miss this and I miss Peter even more. But the sooner I break through this the sooner I get to see him. Aiden begins the short drive to the park. We get out of the car and walk across the open field where the battle happened. Not a single person was in the park and the sidewalks near us had very little people using them. Very strange for New York.

"Doesn't it seem a little empty to you?" I ask Aiden as we get to the middle of the field, pausing to look around at the lack of people around us. Aiden looks up and does a quick spin of the area.

"Yeah, there isn't many people. Stay close we need to get in there and get out quick, I don't have a great feeling." Aiden says. As he is talking I am not paying attention, I am watching someone instead. A man in what appears to be running clothes is walking slowly. First red flag. Next thing I see is the nice fat watch he has on his wrist, comparing it to the state of his I realized he wasn't here for a run. No one in their right mind is going to go on a run in a nice track suit, with a fancy watch, he isn't even running. He senses my staring and before I get caught I turn to Aiden.

"Act like you're hugging me and hide your face." I say as I throw my arms around his neck.

"What's wrong?" He ask a second later after doing what I told him to.

"There is a guy in a nice tracksuit, big watch, sidewalk behind me I need you to sneakily peak up and tell me exactly what he does but don't let him see your face." I whisper in his ear. I feel his head slightly lift up and he peers over my head to watch the man.

"Looks like he is inspecting his watch and talking to himself I think."

"We need to leave now, don't move I am grabbing your phone and text my Dad to tell him where we are and give him the description of the man." I told Aiden and acted as if I was deepening our hug and grabbed his phone hiding in behind his back I blindly type the message to dad. I pulled away from the hug and double checked the message before sending it. Aiden and I linked arms and walked out of the park with our backs facing the man. We made it back to the car and the man is staring in our direction but I don't think he saw us.

"Aiden you need to drive as fast as possible to the tower." I tell him and he waste no time peeling out of the parking lot.

"Y/n are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"That man was talking into his watch not to himself and he wasn't inspecting it. He knows why we are there or he knows something about what happened there. I told dad what he looked like by the time we get back to the tower someone should have been sent to pick him up." I said taking another sip of my coffee that makes me feel sick to my stomach. I place it back down and lean back in the seat closing my eyes to regain myself. I might have pushed myself a little too far back there.

"Hang on okay I am going to get you home as fast as possible." Aiden says picking up on my state and increasing the speed. In no time we are home and I am sitting in the living room. Aiden went of to find dad and I am sitting down trying to piece everything together when the elevator pings and Dad, Bruce and Aiden come rushing out to me. Once dad reached me he drops to his knees in front of me and looked me over.

"Are you okay?" He asked me but before I could answer, the front door swung open and Nat, Wanda, and the guy from the park walked in. They walked in front of us and wanda brought him to his knees with her powers.

"Tell them what you told us." Nat demands and he whines out in pain before Wanda stops.

"I know where Peter is."

Author's Note


Normal questions. How do you guys like the story? Any suggestions? Any ideas on what you think will happen?

Update on me: I have majority IB classes right now so I am taking a lot of college classes as a Junior in high school so I got a lot of work. I will be writing when I can I promise. I am going through a reading and writing slump right now. My smallest brother is about to turn 1 and my oldest sister just found out she is pregnant so I have a lot right now. I am also trying to balance my little social life so I truly am sorry for being so late. Thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoyed.


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