Peter, Oh my god!

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"I know where Peter is." The mysterious man spoke after taking a deep painful breath. Wanda is powerful and we all know when people she holds close to her are in trouble she is even stronger. Ever since Peter has disappeared I've heard about the Avengers training everyday from FRIDAY during one of their annoying rants on me being stuck in my room. Bottom line whoever took Peter is going to be facing a new set of fighters when we get to him.

"Well don't stop there continue." Aiden said crossing his arms over his chest, making himself seem even larger then the man on the floor before him.

"Well I don't know where he actually is but-" he was cut off from a kick shockingly from my dad who seemed to be boiling in anger. He grabbed him by the shirt and picked him up so he was at eye level with my dad.

"Cut the bullshit and tell me where my kid is now." Dad's calm tone scared me more then his yelling usually does. I think the man feels the same way as I see him visibly pale at dad's tone.

"I don't know where he is but I know who took him. His name is Calvin, and he has issues to take care of with your Peter." He rushed out quickly. His last comment went unnoticed by no one and we all shared a questioning look.

"What kind of issues does Peter have with this guy?" I finally asked stepping forward as dad dropped him on to the floor.

"Well doll he-" I kicked the shithead in the stomach and he clutched it in pain.

"Cut the shitty names and tell me what I need to know and you might live." He coughed for a little bit before finally looking up at me again with a new anger in his eyes, probably not enjoying getting his ass kicked by a bunch of old men and young females.

"There was a fire. Spiderman showed up and like he usually does saved the day... for most people. Calvin's wife died in that fire and nobody cared. They were all so thrilled that Spiderman showed up to save everyone, no one noticed Calvin screaming for someone to grab his wife before the building collapsed. Spiderman is the reason his wife is dead, so Calvin will be the reason Peter will be dead."

"How many of you know Spiderman's identity ?" Nat asked.

"Only Calvin and myself. I'm his right hand man of course I know who Spiderman is. We thought it would be better to keep his identity on the low to avoid exposing ourselves." The man spoke.

"You're his right hand man? You sold him out in 10 minutes top!" Thor said shaking his head from the couch.

"I've had enough of his games. I was all down for a little bit of torture or teaching him a lesson but at this point he is just living in misery. I don't know how he managed to stay alive this long. Calvin is weak, the second he sees a threat he will run and hide." I charged at him ready to rip his eyes out before Wanda pulled me back and dad picked the guy up hauling him off to wherever he was safe from me. We needed every last drop of information from this guy if we were going to save Peter and with my temper and current state there is no way I can be civil around this guy.

"Y/n maybe you need to go rest for a little while we interrogate the guy. We need you as your best for when we get him back. I have a feeling it's not going to be easy and the time is approaching quickly." Aiden said putting his hand on my shoulder and slipping me out of Wanda's grip. I know he is right but I don't know how well I will sleep knowing there's someone in the building who knows where Peter is. I didn't realize Aiden and I had been walking until I was met with the door to my room, I get so caught up in my mind now everything else kind of blurs out. I opened the door and made my way to the bed before plopping down. Aiden still doesn't come in my room so he stood at the doorway observing me.

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