Only one way to know

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I was in a booth next to Peter, across from me was Aiden and to his left was Thor. I don't know why we came to a fancy place for dinner and I don't know why Dad thought it would be a good idea to have us all sit next to each other. While we are waiting for the waiter to come take our drink orders we all behaved "like a child" as Dad said. Thor was throwing sugar packets at Peter, Aiden was playing a serious game of footsies with me, although it felt more like us just kicking each others shins. We were all laughing and messing around until the waiter appeared at our table. We all know how serious our reputation is and Dad would kill us if he saw us behave poorly in front of others.

"Good evening, I am your waiter for tonight my name is Billy, what drinks can I get you to start off with?" He asked us politely as he pulled out a pad and pen.

"I'll have a beer, whichever is the best." Thor said and motioned for us to order next, but I didn't miss the wink he gave me so I went next.

"Make the two please." I said quickly trying to make my voice sound legal enough. Aiden kicked me under the table and I looked to see his eyebrow raised at me.

"Of course ma'am and what about you two?" Billy asked Aiden and Peter.

"We will both have a sweet tea." Peter said. I thought it was adorable that Peter remembered Aiden's love for sweet tea.

"Of course I will be back with your drinks shortly. In the meantime here is our menus and on the back is our daily house special, if you have any questions I will be more then happy to help." Billy said before briskly passing out the menus and hurrying off to get our drinks.

"Wow first time in a long time that we haven't had an issue with a waiter." Peter joked while nudging me with his shoulder and I chuckled at the memories.

"What are you guys talking about?" Aiden and Thor asked at the same time but no one bothered to point it out.

"Almost every time we go out Peter or I get hit on by someone in public and it leads to complications I would say." I said quietly to our table.

"Well if you two kids didn't look like, what is it called ? Vogue ? I think so, if you guys didn't look like vogue models there would be no issue. Maybe start leaving the house in garbage bags?" Thor suggested but no one could reply before Billy came back with a tray full of our drinks. He passed them out and began to reach for his paper and pen before Thor put his hand up.

"My apologizes little Billy we haven't looked at the menu yet we have been catching up can you give us about 10 minutes?" Thor asked and Billy shook his head yes, muttering a quick 'of course' before dashing off to a table calling his name. I feel very bad for food employees they're always treated so poorly, even in nice dinning places like this.

"Okay time to get serious Papa is hungry." Aiden said rubbing his belly.

"Aiden never ever call yourself Papa again." I shook my head as I picked up the menu.


I scanned through the food on the menu. I wasn't worried about calories, I was worried about the proportions. I don't want to get a lot of food it will kill my appetite but I know Peter won't let me get something small. Everything on the menu looked too big, the food looked sicking to me.

"Take your time love, remember if you don't finish it we can take it home, if you are still hungry we can buy more." Peter whispered in my ear, I looked up slightly above my menu and saw Thor arguing with Aiden over something silly but they were fun to watch argue. I'm glad they're caught up in something so they won't notice my struggle right now. Aiden knows I had a difficult time eating now but he told me 'I won't bring it up again but so help my god Y/n the second you look sick I am taking full charge of everything you do and I don't care if you like it or not.'. Although it sounded very harsh when he first said it I knew he said it because he cared. Truthfully the only times I did eat was when I knew I look a little pale or too small, I was not about to let Aiden control what I eat. He likes broccoli for crying out loud. Eating just wasn't my top priority and right now it feels like a weird habit people do to stay alive.

"I don't know if I feel like eating right now I'm not hungry." I said quietly to Peter who leaned down a little to hear me. He shook his head no and started rubbing my thigh in a soothing matter.

"I know you might not feel hungry but your body is hungry. How about you look through it this time and pick which one sounds like you. There is no harm in enjoying something that reminds yourself of who you are." He whispered to me and I nodded. Picking up the menu I began scanning the items again trying to see which one had an image or description that reminded me of some personal aspect. I didn't notice Billy was at the table to take our orders until I heard Peter call my name. I looked up and panicked as I quickly looked over the menu again for the first thing that popped out at me.

"How about for her we do the strawberry pancakes with whip cream and a side of strawberry cream cheese. Also, how about a drink not as harsh as beer, maybe something sweet." Peter said grabbing all of our menus and handing them to Billy who quickly walked off with our orders.


To get rid of the dryness in my mouth I took a big gulp of the beer in front of me that I have barely touched. I don't drink much but I love the feeling, enough to be able to do it once in awhile even though I know how bad hangovers can be. But one thing a lot of people argue with me on is when I drink, I drink to get drunk. I don't enjoy being tipsy, there's nothing wrong with it but if I am going to put up with drinking the bitter alcohol and a hangover I might as well go big or go home. However, I will say what people fail to understand about this mindset is it shouldn't be applied everyday. I would say I get drunk about every 3 months if it ever happens more then that there must have been a lot of parties going on in the tower for me to be able to sneak in the alcohol. As I take another drink of my beer I realize it isn't going to satisfy me and I am beyond happy Peter ordered me a better drink. I don't know how I don't get ID in restaurants, it might have to do with the fact that I am sitting with 3 grown men but I am not complaining. I have a fake with me at all times, just in case a mission pops up and it's needed. I quickly chugged the rest of my beer and put it on the edge of the table for Billy to grab.

"Well someone is a little thirsty." Thor commented looking between my empty cup and me.

"I needed a drink it wasn't enough though." I said and this caused a smile to grow on his face.

"I have been looking for a drinking buddy for some time now. Drinking contest?" He asked me and I instantly shook my head as Peter and Aiden said 'No' at the same time.

"Oh why not ?"

"Because Thor you are huge and a more experienced drinker there is no way I would win."

"How about every 2 shots I take you take 1?" He offered and I paused to consider this option.

"Okay but I get to drink water when I want to." I agreed and he broke out in a huge grin.

"Oh my god this is going to be a long night. Drunk Thor is crazy enough I had to carry him out of the elevator one time and the doors kept closing on his head. I can't imagine drunk Thor and Y/n." Aiden groaned as he slid his hand down his face.

"I've got Y/n. You got Thor." Peter said and before Aiden could disagree Billy came back with our food and my new drink.

"Billy boy would you mind doing me a favor and bring a round of your strongest alcohol you have ?" Thor asked politely and Billy nodded his head. The poor boy seems to be running around like a chicken with his head cut off but he was still respectful to us and very helpful. Therefore, I will treat him with my upmost respect unlike the people two tables down from us who have been rude and snobby towards him all night. All I am saying is I wonder how many drinks I need before I turn into a "I guess bitches don't know manners these days" mood. Only one way to know.

Authors Note

Hi guys I know it's been awhile I'm sorry for slow updates. Thank you for all the positive comments and messages it means a lot to me I love hearing from you guys. On the other hand, if you have a rude comment or message please just don't read the book I take negativity very personally and it really effect my mood. That's all leave any suggestions you guys have for the book.

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