Drinking contest with Thor

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"Another one Thor get us another round please." I jumped up and down in my seat with nothing but pure excitement as I see Thor slowing down on his alcohol intake meanwhile I feel like I have just begun.

"Y/n I need a second, heavens where are you even putting all this liquid?"

"I don't know it feels good, it's rushing through my veins. You know what it's hot in here. Is it hot in here or is it me?" I asked as I quickly removed the white crewneck I had on. Leaving me in just a white bra and pants. I slowly slid down my seat and poked at my full belly, laughing at the size of it. It looks like I have a mini baby. Sober me would have never randomly removed my clothes in an eating environment... but sober me wasn't here. Present me thought it was a good idea so, I did it. 

"Oh my gosh Peter I am having a baby." I say while poking my stomach quicker and all over. Everyone at the table looked at me, too distracted with the dessert menu to notice anything I have done in the last five minutes.

"Holy fuck Y/n where the fuck did your shirt go? I need bleach. Billy can we have some bleach for the table?!!!" Aiden yelled while covering his eyes and I let out a large belly laugh due to the new stares he was getting from his outburst. I only stopped laughing when a long sleeve black shirt was slipped over my head, this one is much thinner then my crewneck. I rolled up the sleeves on the shirt since they were covering my hands and sniffed it. I don't know why but I was told by my gut to sniff the shirt and I did.

"Yeah this shirt smells yummy."

"Give my your jacket Y/n so I can make sure you don't forget it or get it dirty." Peter whispered beside me and I looked up at him with confusion on my face.

"I mean I just got the jacket but I guess if you have to have it back." I said reaching for the ends of the black shirt and beginning to pull it up before Peter's hands slammed on top of mine stopping my actions.

"No love your white one you just took off." He said with a pink blush spreading across his cheeks. I looked up at him still confused  before he sighed and reached over me to grab a white jacket off the corner of the table. Then after neatly folding it and sitting it beside him he reaches for the glass of water by my drinking cups.

"Drink the water." He said putting a bendy straw in it for me and handing it to me. I don't know where a colorful bendy straw would come from in this fancy place but I didn't bother to ask. I quickly took the glass from him and put it on the table shaking my head.

"No Peter tonight I only consume the goods." I said while crossing my arms over my chest. I see Aiden pinch the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh but right as he was about to say something Peter spoke up.

"This is the strongest stuff they have. I said "drink the water" because for a big boss drinker like you it should go down like water. Let's see I'll try some and then you try some and we will see who can hold the better face." Peter suggested as he reached for the cup again and I nodded quickly. I am always down for another drinking contest, I'm pretty sure Thor will tap out any second. Peter slowly lifted the cup up to his lips and took the smallest sip before he started coughing and chugging down some of his sweet tea.

"Oh this is going to be easy." I said taking the cup and downing the entire thing almost like a really big shot and then I slammed the cup on the table.

"How did it feel baby?" Peter asked fanning himself with a menu and I smiled at him.

"Went down like water you big baby."

"I will never be able to understand this. All I know is the task is complete and it looks like everyone is ready to go home." Aiden stated while standing up and pointing over to where everyone was retrieving their coats.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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