broken rules

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your pov

"This is so stupid. Its our lives it's not like he can control our feelings. Not that I like sharing mine it's just that its my future I should decide who my first boyfriend is. What happens if I want to get married one day. Is he just going to look at my husband and be like no I don't like him you need to fall in love with somebody else and have their kids this person isn't. Is he going to pick every little detail in my life and make it his choice. what if he start picking out my clothes for school? I don't want to go to school looking like a 90 year old grandma. its my life my mistakes and my choices not his. he cant protect me from every little thing cause then I wont be ready for the real world. I wont be use to heart breaks or bad days or scratches and bruises because he would have prevented me from actually having a life!" I said in a angry voice this is the most I have ever been angry. As I was collecting my breath I looked up at Peter who was just staring at me and smiling. I stared right back into his deep brown eyes and all of my anger went away.

"That's longer then 20 seconds should I alert Mr Stark?" the elevator asked.

"No need to." peter said still staring into my eyes. Then the elevator opened but we didn't notice. We stood there for about 50 more seconds before we heard somebody clear their throat. We both looked up and saw almost all the avengers staring at us watching our every move. I pushed past everybody and went straight to my room to put on a shirt. I put on a long sleeve white crop top. 


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something like this^

I walked down to the living room to start dinner. I enjoyed cooking it calms me down. Everybody was sitting in the living room watching tv but Peter was watching me and my dad was watching Peter. Since I wasn't looking I sliced my hand and flinched and pulled my hand away from the food. Peter was next to me within 2 seconds. He turned on the water and grabbed my hand gently and pulled it under the water. I flinched because the water stung it . His other hand went to my back and rubbed small circles to ease the pain and it worked. once it was clean he took my hand and lead me to sit in a chair and bandaged it up lightly to where it wouldn't restrain me to much. 

"Make a fist quickly." he said looking at me. I did what he told me and it hurt so much I grabbed and squeezed whatever was next to me which happened to be peter's hand but he didn't mind.

"ok just let it heal and try not to get it dirty or wet." he looked at me and our eyes meet again. We stared at each other for a couple of minutes before I realized I still had food in the oven. I stood up and turned around only to be meet by Bruce. He was looking at me then peter then back to me and a huge smile appeared on his face. Me and Peter both looked around and realized the girls were looking at me and smiling from ear to ear. But the guys were giving peter a evil look. But my father was killing him with his. He started to walk over to Peter and I knew that would be the end of him. Just before my dad reached him I jumped between the both of them. My dad couldn't look more mad. I looked at Peter and saw he was giving him a look that said try me. I grabbed Peter's hand and brought him to the kitchen away from my dad.

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