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By the time we got Bonnie to the car, veins started to spread up her neck they were dark purple her eyes bloodshot she looked as if she would turn any minute. the girl started to seize and started to shake uncontrollably then her breathing stopped completely "Oh shit" Johnson said as he backed away "get in the truck now!" Raygen said as she got the keys out of her pocket "NOW" she yelled as the eyes of their once friend opened again only her eyes weren't brown anymore they were a dead white color that they had seen on the other zombies all had white eyes. they never stayed the color they were before they turned. snatching the knife off of Raygens thigh Clarice walked up to the now fully turned Bonnie that was now setting up. there was some pint aggression Clarice was feeling towards the girl from the past that she was now taking out. flushing the knife into the newly turned zombie killing it quickly "rest easy" she whispered as she pulled the knife from her former friends head laying the girl on the ground

after they loaded the carts into the back seat and Bonnie into the bed they left the small store

Flashback {two years before the end of the world}

five friends sat around a small fire in lawn chairs passing around a joint Karter had rolled. it was the middle of the summer they didn't have a care in the world talking about god knows what. Raygen being the last to get the joint put it to her lips and inhaled long and slow smoke filling her lungs she exhaled and passed it starting the circle again she thought long and hard about what was going to happen later in life if she was going to make it to graduation or if she would get her dream job she continued to stare into the moon lite pond that was in the distance

Raygens pov

snapping out of her thoughts of the past to see that they had pulled into the drive "we all need a shower once we are finished burying Bonnie especially you two you're both covered in blood" Johnson said from the driver's seat Clarice and I looked at each other I glimpsed as she just looked at me numbly I could only imagine what I looked like blond hair black as coal bad thing about zombie blood was that it wasn't like human blood it was black sticky and it stinks like rotting meat and you could smell it from a mile away.

no one spoke as they buried their former friend the silence was deafening. walking into the house no one spoke: "what happened weres, Bonnie?" Karter standing up from the couch you could tell he was biting his nails a nervous habit of his "we were ambushed by the dead Raygen sacrificed herself to save us taking on twelve walkers she had missed one a small child it bit Bonnie on the thigh she turned within 30 to an hour after the initial bite" Clarice said sitting on the barstool "so this is your fault!" Karter yelled walking slowly towards Raygen all he saw was red and Raygen knew that a knife now raised in her direction "this is all your fucking fault!" he screamed knife now raised at her throat "yes blame me for a mistake of missing one that was hiding not get the fuck off me" gun now raised to his head "don't make me put you down too I've put rabid dogs down before don't make me do it again" I said with a hiss "how could you not try to save her?" Carrie said in a small voice "you dont think we tried you didnt see what happened you wernt there how she shook vilontly seizeing like that the veins. her eyes her fucking eyes you've never seen them up close you don't know what it's like to fight them you wouldn't stand a chance" she mumbled walking away from the other two "we can't stay in a house with a killer!" Karter whisper shouted as they talked in a group without Raygen "she didn't mean to kill anyone she tried to save her Karter plus she wasn't the one to kill her I was" Clarice said there was silence before he spoke again "w-what?" "yes yes you think im such a monster if you don't like it here then leave no one with stop you" Raygen said walking into the room after hearing enough "go on fucking leave you won't last a night out there" as she walked to the door opening it and took a gun and a knife shoving it into his chest " I said fucking leave you want me to be the monster fine I will, I will play the role I've been given"

he walked out the door with the last look at his friends "oh and Kater here" she threw keys at the kid "drive safe" it was keys to an old pick up truck of Clarice's dads "you didn't have to be that harsh Ray" Carrie said from her spot on the couch "oh really you wanna go with him because they way you're looking at me is the same way he was I didn't purposely kill the poor girl now if you'll excuse me im going to go shower"finally alone with her own thoughts, she broke down the scene replaying in her head over and over she slid down the tile wall to the ground after the water ran clear knees to chest "Ray, Raygen!" knocks on the door to numb to even answer the lock turned and her best friend was running through the bathroom towel in hand shutting the now cold water off getting the freezing girl out of the shower wrapping it around the frozen girl "come on let's get you something warm on and that's what they did they got Raygen in warm pajamas which were fluffy pants with strips and one of Clarice's brother's hoodies. Clarice sitting with her back against the headboard Raygen half asleep with her head on Clarice's lap somewhat curled into her side.

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