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July 1/2019

when I got home the house was dark and there were cars in the drive the green truck gone so that could mean good news. getting out of the car and put the gun in the front of my pants I was ready for anything and yet I didn't know if I could put down my parents if I had too I knocked on the door to see if any of the undead were inside when nothing banged on the door I knew it was safe walking into the house it was dark I knew if they got out they would leave me something sure enough by a dim-lit lantern was a note in my mothers handwriting

Honey, we've got out don't know when will see you again you know the safe combination there are guns and satellite radio and batteries and when you have the chance get somewhere safe and contact us we love you honey

Mom and Dad

A tear slipped down my face and dripped on to the paper smugging the ink grabbing the lantern in my hand and walked into my parent's room and put the combo in the safe and opening it. like a kid in a candy store, I smile at the assortment of guns that my parents left me. the safe took up more than half of the wall "thank God Dad was a Gun collector and not some anti" grabbing the duffle bags and started loading everything from assault rifles to the small handguns you name it, it was here sitting all pretty in there spots after loading several heavy duffle bags I was ready to leave I debated if I wanted to take my car my moms or the spear truck I could always load the cars on the racecar trailer and haul it behind the truck "you never know when you'll need other vehicles" finding the extra keys wasn't hard since they where in the safe. looking outside before opening the door after seeing that it was safe I ventured out and locked and closed the door unlocking my Mothers 2016 ford mustang it cranked with ease pulling it to the back of the house and into the already open race car trailer shutting the car off and got in my car to put it behind the Mustang once they were loaded I got in the truck and hooked it to the trailer after making sure everything was strapped I got into the truck and pulled out the driveway and down the small narrow road that leads into the real world where everyone was eating each other face off "remember a few years ago when man took bath salts and ate a homeless mans face that's exactly what's happening the worlds gone to shit"

Raygen kept alert of her surroundings she never knew if she would run into the military again at least she hoped not coming into town there was only one gas station standing the others burned to the ground probably because there was dead inside and the army didn't feel like wasting bullets, the cars had full tanks and the truck had three quarters of a tank so she was good on gas as she came to her turn she heard gunshots and looked to the side where the shots were fired and saw officer Johnson running from one of the dead he ran by the truck just as she got out the handgun and put the window down and whistled for the zombie to turn its head to the window and pulled the trigger killing it Johnson who fell on the concrete looked up at who had saved him as Raygen got out of the truck "your welcome, but I suggest you get in the truck the sound of the gun will only draw more" she said helping the man up off the asphalt  they got in the truck there was silence between the two the soft music was playing in the background "thank you" Johnson said looking to the blonde " I already said your welcome," she said and paused "so you wanna tell me how you got chased?" she said he cleared his throut and begain to tell his story "well after we raited the high school we made our way to the elementary school, the school was compleatly filled with the dead over runned some of us got out some of us wernt so lucky to meet a badass who can handle a gun" he said and Raygens ice-cold heart sunk in her chest thinking about all the children that had lost their lifes to a viuris she had always had a soft spot for kids "how meany of you got out?" she said looking at the road ahead of her "a few O'neail's dead" he said with a smirk on his face "good he deserved it after what he did at the high school" she said the rest of the trip was quiet. when the got to Clarice's the gate was dummy locked "okay before we get out there's something you need to know okay?" Raygen said Johnson nodded his head "my name is Raygen Sinclair the strawberry blonde is Clarice Thomas and the fiery redhead is Carrie Smith and if you do anything stupid I'll kill you myself got it" Raygen said getting out of the Vehicle before Johnson could say a word or utter a first name

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