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Clarice sat with her back on the headboard with her sleep-deprived friend curled fast asleep in her side she didn't know the repercussions that were going to happen with Raygen kicking Karter out of the house was it her fault Bonnie was dead? no, she didn't want the girl dead at least not by the hands or should I say teeth of the dead.

at some point in the night, Clarice must have fallen asleep when she woke up Raygen sat on the edge of the bed looking at her a cup of water in her hand "hey" she said handing it to the girl which she gladly took "thanks" taking a sip "imma go and let you change im gonna go help Kai with breakfast" she smiled and got up and walked out the door it was like a whole 360 in her mood Raygen went from rock bottom to it was like nothing even happen she had only seen it happen once one other time when her grandmother died from a stroke

Kai's Pov

Raygan came out in plaid pajama pants and an old blue avengers hoodie that looked two times the size of her "morning" she said with a smile on her face "well you clean up nice" I smiled hers sightly fell then reappeared but looked forced she laughed "yeah well a shower will do that" she looked out the window "stop, stop doing that" I put the spatula down and turned off the stove and took her face into my hands "stop looking away when we speak like im going to break your heart" "kai-" she started but I cut her off by placing my lips to hers her lips were warm and soft and tasted like mint toothpaste

when they finally pulled away she still had her hands on his face his on her hips "wow" Carrie said from her bedroom door which she had a full view of the passionate seen in front of her Raygens face went red as she bared her face in Johnson's chest Carrie laughed as she grabbed a water bottle, Clarice walked out of the bedroom looking confused "what did I miss?" Raygen still being in Johnson's arms she put two and two together "oh my" she said as she clasped her hands over her mouth as she laughed "get it girl" Raygen shook her head and pushed herself out of johnson arms he frowned at the lack of warmth the girl raided "so what's on the agenda for today?" Carrie said as she downed the rest of her water " I figured I would try and contact my parents again to see if there were still alive" Raygen said as she walking into her bedroom and got the radio out from under the bed before joining the others

turning in the radio the was static before voices "this is rusty nail I repeat this is rust nail im looking for candy cane I repeat im looking for candy cane" it was them I couldn't believe it "this is candy cane what is your location" but it wasn't her who answered she was quick to radio back "Daddy don't answer that im safe is a trap!" the radio went silent she switched to channel 5 like she was told if anything ever happens "this is Orville come in Lane" she new it was her mom the was she spoke her middle name "MOM!" "oh, honey im so glad your okay where are you are you safe wait dont tell me where you are the lines not sucure whos all with you" she spoke fast "me, carrie, clarice and officer we met along the way Bonnie was with us but she turned on our last suply run Karter was with us too but I had to send him away he thgought it was my fault" she shrugged as she spoke "honey weve made it to the state line we need yall to meet us here on the out scurts of atlanta were we can regroup can you do that?" she scofed before answeerring "I can try mom were still in florida" there was radio siclence brefore a male voice came on the radio "lane are you fucking kidding me an outbrake happens and you've been hidding out?" "who says I've been hiding I grouped and got somewhere safe and risked my life getting there more than once... don't worry ill be there.. bye love you" and she cut off the radio "well that was intense," Johnson said from the couch "try living with him"

they spent the rest of the day getting the truck ready to make the long trip after siphoning all of the gas out of the rest of the cars into the trucks gas tank or into spare gas cans Clarice's dad and neighbors had lying around once the truck was gassed up and loaded with weapons the four were ready for their long journey 

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